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It's the first of the month, so have a HouseBroken.  Meet one of my fave characters actually if only for his character design and accent LOL  He was a lot of fun to draw.  I do like that 'yoink' panel too hahah.  Starting off the new year with potential violence towards pensioners.  That's probably instantly struck me off Santas list already....This year's going well I see.



Jalena (Little Legreedy)

Woo first upload of the year 🎉🥳 Also aww poor babe got an ouch!!


She looks surprisingly badass weilding that shovel


No you'd be off Santa's list if he'd been a fainting goat, or would that have been too much for Star to think she killed the old guy? Oh well, back to the escape, she moves amazingly well in a double diapies, it's like she belong in them.


Ya have a good point... might as well keep her that way XD


Not to mention dealing with some serious lacerations from the glass window :x That has to be a bit painful.


Looks like the old guy will think the whole venture will be fun


My brain read the last line that you were gonna suck off Santa. I was concerned that you had turned unto a vampire then a hooker then a vamp hooker.