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Covid got me. I tried to draw through it, I came so close to finishing CTN page today but it's not quite ready and I haven't started Fridays shine so it's unlikely. I'm sorry I'm feeling really messed up and in bed where I'm typing this from. I'll catch up when I'm feeling better.

I've had all my jabs and booster and I'm glad that the vaccine is taking the sting out of this a little as I'm asthmatic at the best of times. So was worried about catching covid. (Please get your shots of you haven't. The vaccine doesn't stop you catching this disease but it does help lessen its effects on you. I'm feeling so rough that I dread to think what a non vaccinated person would be going thru right now)

I'm sure I'll be fine but I think for the next few days I'm gonna mainly be sleeping. Sorry sorry. I'll keep folk updated. Grub and Bob say hi too. What a nice way to end the year LOL



You got this girl! Just fight through and get back to us when you are feeling up to it!


Everybody's getting ill lately get some rest and hope you get well soon I am having to do the same


Hope you feel better soon! Take all the time you need to recover.


Just get to to feeling better


I understand. Rest up and I hope you come back even stronger! >:3 I'll be rooting for you on the sidelines to kick this virus's butt!


Take all the time you need and rest up proper. We're all cheering for you and your immune system!


Don't worry about your drawings get better and what helped me out when I had covid was vitamin C vitamin D zinc pills and every day I went outside and took long deep breaths held him for about 5 Seconds then let it out slowly do that twice then do two or three quick ones and then go for a walk around your back feel or do wherever you don't have to wear your mask and if you're close to any woods or trees or anything like that to leave the breathing treatment again and when you get back to your house to do the breathing treatment for more time and sit down relax.


Hey just focus on getting better okay! Drink lots of fluids and get lots of rest. You may or may not have an appetite but try to eat something too. Love you and get well soon! ❤


Rest up and concentrate on getting well. I'm sure everyone will agree that's far more important than any comic. Hope you feel better soon.


Hope you feel better really soon Squiggs. Rest well ❤️


Hope you feel well soon. We can wait; no need to stress or feel sorry about your release schedule, really. Take all the time and resources you need to get healthy again :)


Honestly. It hits like a truck but passes kinda quick. Stay hydrated and comfy. Also keep forgetting that you are drawing these as you go its kinda funny. Beware the fake cough. I had it over Thanksgiving and it pasted in two weeks but the light cough that had no real reason for being is still here


Please rest up and take it easy. Your health comes first. I hope you feel better soon!

samantha rebecca clarkson

Get better soon. Make sure that daddy is looking after you. Bio hazard suit hugs


Look after yourself first. The art can wait until you have the energy. Hope you're feeling better soon.


Take care of yourself! Sleep and hydration help tremendously!


Covid is no joke. Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon.


Get healthy


Take a week or two off to heal so you are not also feeling stressed out about being behind and off of your schedule. So always trying to catch up.


Get all the rest you need and forget about drawing for a while. While you're at it, use it as an excuse to spend lots of time sleeping in your crib with your stuffies while Paul waits on you hand and foot!


Please rest up n feel better!


Just rest and work on feeling better. Snuggle your plushy and relax.


No worries take your time getting better there's no rush in your projects


God be worth you, friend. Take good care of yourself, Sammy.


Please take care of yourself! Your health is always the number one priority. Don't worry about drawing until you feel fully recovered. There's no rush.


Get well soon! Take all the time you need! Good things are worth waiting for


Covid is really a bad thing! Also I think, its needless to apologise ! First is the health, Than the melting from the New pages :3


Take care of yourself first comics second 🙂 get well soon


Pleasssse, take a week or 2, rest, we all have our time to read your awesome comics. Take some time and rest


Get well soon


Just focus on resting up and recovering. We'll still be here when you get better

Norvin Fisk

Just rest and relax. It's important to get lots of rest when you're not feeling well


Yeah it doesn’t matter if you got the jabs, you can still get it and spread it. It only reduces the symptoms, but you’ll be fine if you have them. :) take your time and get well soon :)

Vinny the Stump

You go get rest. We will all be here when you are ready to return. Personal health takes priority over comics.


You’re so not allowed to buy the farm before Shine is complete lol. Seriously though rest up and get well. Covid is no joke.


Take care of yourself first! Nobody will hold it against you, get rest and take care- put out content once you feel better, you are SO much more important than content


Rest and take care of yourself Squiggly Lynx let your daddy and your stuffies help you out too. We can wait until you are feeling better little one. 😘


Oh noes, all the hugs, hope you get well soon


Well I got both of my vaccine doses and the booster!!So I am glad that I don't have it I think!!!!


I hope that you get that much needed rest and sleep because I am pretty sure that we all don't want anything happening to you like almost everybody else that has already fallen victim to the virus!!


Really hope you get better soon and have minimal side effects.


rest up and get well soon!!!!!


Take as much time as you need, no need to think about us. Your health is more important.


Take care of yourself!!


Where's my CTN page!!??... JK, take as much time as you need, I've gone through it twice now so all I need is some delta and I'll have the full set!🤣🤣🤣, Seriously tho, bed rest, fluids, a fresh diaper, and grub is what you need just relax ❤️


Take all the time needed to get better, you're important to us, not just what you do. I wish the power of love from everyone's hearts you've touched, surrounds you now, and protects you in your time of need. That darkness pass over you, and be washed away by love. Stay safe, rest well, and we'll all be here wishing for your safe return.


You take your time! Feel better and we will be here when you get back!!!

Sabrina Liney

Take your time and get better soon can't wait to see you back on your feet. Stay safe


Awww squiggle take your time we want you to feel better and not worry. We love you and want you to be safe. And maybe an excuse to wear diapers hehe 😉


get well soon Squiggle <3 sorry that's happened.


Get better and recover. I love reading your comics. I dont mind waiting. Covid is a pain. I'm glad you've gotten your booster and the vaccine. And please don't stress yourself to get more comics out while recovering


Get well soon! Hope it stays the mild version :|