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Errrrrr... Things may be going a little bit...skeewiff.

I'm sure she'll be able to work out some cunning plan to turn the tides.




I think calling in a favour from the duckbeaver might be a good start.

Achievement unlocked:  Worst nightmare realised. 




Oh noes :O poor kitten


the awnser is simple. we have to murder him , yes.


I think my heart went into my throat when the fourth panel came up


Every little’s worst nightmare 😱


Yeah, tbh this is sorta why I am afraid to try one of those meetups or find people online. They can easily get this sort of footage and blackmail me hard. If it actually happened I'd probably get rid of all my sissy and ABDL stuff and and then never let anyone really close again.


A lot of events these days dont allow phones and stuff so people cant take pictures. In fairness the party was one of those events and marellis found a way around that, but it's generally an unlikely scenario mostly....Tho someone did film me at a private party one time so that could have been bad but my husband noticed and the footage was deleted. We werent even doing anything risky just sat around in little clothing playing uno LOL Ahhh the good times. Ultimately you have to weigh up the risk factors and how safe things are. finding people online is fairly low risk going to events is a little higher.


He was the one at the party, no?

samantha rebecca clarkson

Yes he was. By the way ikkle one. I have had a situation with a work colleague that would make you blush. Yes one of my photos got printed out and was shown to one of my work managers


She better let manda know. This is.... grrrr


Dude. Not cool!! What a jerkfacepoophead D:<


I so hope he gets whats coming to him. That is so wrong, he is the worst.


While much easier said than done (and wouldn't make for as good of story drama) I wish Star would lean into it. "Sir are you trying to blackmail me with footage from an event you also attended?" The worst Star has to deal with is (albeit a lot of) embarrassment, this guy would lose his job and likely go to prison.


I love the story but I really hate this guy’s presence and all the abusive shit he keeps doing. She better call Martin and let him know this is happening, pretty sure he’ll have more than enough “material” of his own to make that prick back off


... so... I believe the military term is "fragging" the C.O. correct? Because Imma frag the hell outta blueberry there. >:|


If people are hating this guy...then I am doing this right :) altho im feeling somewhat guilty as the character's owner is actually a total sweetheart.


Starrrrr! You’re killing me with the suspense here! I gotta know what happens next! This meanie has to get corner time or something!


Uniform code of military justice (UCMJ) article 138!


Abuse of authority and position is an arbitrary or capricious exercise of power by a military member, federal official or employee that injures or adversely affects the rights of a subordinate by tyrannical, careless or capricious conduct or continuous and/or severe abusive language. Abuse of position includes a wide range of subjects such as improper use of title/position/rank (see Ethics). Abuse of position may involve discrimination, i.e., creation of a hostile work environment, see Equal Employment.


While I would imagine they have similar rules, isn't Shine based of the UK's military and not the US'?


Though to your general point, my layman's understanding of the UK's privacy laws for things like this are even more strict that the US'. To record someone without their knowledge, especially in a "revenge porn" kind of context is very serious. I mentioned it in another comment, but if Star could muster up the courage to call his bluff, she would be embarrassed, he would be in jail.


Unfortunately in practice very often you get quietly shuffled out and the officer drinks with the old boys club...


What I think gets me the most is that his position in blackmailing Star isn't even that good. Star has so many ways to turn this back on his own head she could just as well blackmail him with his own proof. It's just her (rightfully placed) fear getting to her.