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So...How WILL Star get out of this?  

No seriously!  I'm asking...Ready to take notes, cause i've got nothing :D


Well...maybe I have a few ideas up my sleeves, just gotta convince the lynx.

Have a page....Again if you're feeling angry/frustrated then that's probably the sort of feelings im trying to instill here.  it is frustrating.  I found myself in a manipulative situation a long time ago where someone more powerful and well known in the community spread lies and rumours about me to cover his own back, it ultimately destroyed my previous relationship as my ex-fiance sided with the bad guy because he was more charasmatic I guess.  It destroyed my confidence in the AB/DL community and I generally dropped off grid for a year or two.  It was not a happy place and time for me back then I didnt have followers cause i didnt draw, I was just...alone really.  I always thought the good guys win, bad guys cant win cause theyre the bad guys.

   I look back at that point in my life and look at my life now.  If none of that had happened I probably would still be with my ex and not the man ive been married to for almost 12 years.  My comics wouldnt exist and I dont think id be as strong as i am now,  I've gone through some stuff,  and grown because of it, but then havent we all....  

Anyway....sorry for the ramble....here have a comic page




Thats Somethin..


I REALLY REALLY hope she tells manda and Tessa and just.... gets help. I absolutely love this story but it’s killing me to see sweet little star in such a manipulative situation.


I... Feel sick.


I hope so but it’s like my favorite cartoon being on a cliffhanger I just gotta know what happens next! Great job though star really! I always love it when a new page comes out 😇


*hugs* I'm sorry. This whole bit is anxiety inducing, but I promise it'll over at some point Honest. This is me just...expressing how trapped I was back then I guess and how hopeless/powerless I felt.

Fisk Marellis

Oof, they've hated him before, now they are really going to despise him.


Maybe, MAYBE someone saw this coming from him and made a video of HIM, to be sure? So they have leverage over him for situations like this. I hope she asks for help and then discovers that she’s not the only one with a predicament and finds a way out of this nightmare!


...... I now legit want to kill this guy and dispose of the body. Someone blackmailing people like he is is lower than scum and deserves to die horrifically.


I would say she should reach out to Manda and Tessa - in a healthy kink community, people who manipulate others like that aren't welcome in the community for long. Sure Star would be outed, but it's potentially her chance to get in front of it and come out on her own. No reason to be guilty about something you're willing to own up to.


*hugs* you are sch a lovely person. im sorry im doing this to your character. You know how the story goes so... but thank you for letting me use him in this way, its very brave of you.


Super secret agent star goes navy seal and shoost him


Wasn't this just a dream....thing


Nevermind ignore that, but can she not just get Yuri to distract marallis and then delete the footage


I would think that a call to Martin might help this situation.


Depending on the program and OS. For Windows and most media players you can exit out of the player footage and right click show original file. It may or may not highlight that file automatically then you can just hit shift delete. But that's kind of a easy way out in that doesn't race the original source, ie any tapes, thumb drives or emails.


Also noticed the top chat bubble for star in the 1st tile was the wrong color. Love the new page btw!


What makes this extra uncomfortable and slimy is not only is he threatening to out a sexual fantasy of hers, he is using that fantasy as apart of the blackmail. It's one thing (as horrible as it inherently is) to be like "hey I have this reputation destroying video of you'll listen to me without question, pull extra duties, do xyz for me" but to also include that into the blackmailing itself, is a strong mix of both vomit and rage inducing.


I really can't begin to express how much I hate Matt right now


So, I find myself trying to think about how Star can work with her strengths on this. I don't take her as the type to give in to an abusive person like this and her "attitude" might very well be her strength in this. It could be the point where she decides to lean into this aspect of her life. "You know what Sarge? Fuck this, fuck you, and fuck this job. You've enjoyed making me miserable since day one. If you really want to explain to people why you've got porn of your coworkers on your company laptop I'm sure you can find a way to explain it to HR." or something to that effect. Especially considering this is fiction there's some wiggle room for Star to empower herself and stand up to him.


I agree that Star's biggest strength is going in on the situation to stamp it out immediately. The only thing is from her perspective the shame and humiliation of this secret of hers getting out is blinding her to the far more serious repercussions Matt would face for his actions. She would for sure have the backing of everyone she went to the party with, but she would certainly have to accept the potential of getting outed.


Well... i think the best situation for her is this being just a vivid nightmare... but then she wakes up and discovers the bed is wet, she is soaked and has smell to pee!!! (i would love that happen d:)


So, I'm neither in the UK nor a lawyer, but from some quick searching on privacy law in the UK I can see a potential solution for Star. First, Marellis recorded Star in a situation where privacy is expected and is using it for criminal purposes (blackmail). Second, it is not illegal to record someone's conversation without consent if it is for private purposes. If the intent is to publish it then it must be in the public's best interest. Say, exposing an officer who is blackmailing a subordinate. So Star may be able to record Marellis making threats and then demonstrate that she could legally destroy his career (based off what he's done a sexual harassment/assault claim wouldn't be unwarranted either). Mutually assured destruction isn't a great solution, but it's a hell of an incentive to not shake the boat.