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This is a little late...It's not Friday.  It's Monday.  Yup.  It's true.  I've almost mastered the days of the week :D  Don't worry There will be another page 2moro I just wantedt to catch up and keep my promise of 2 a week...(only there will be 3 this week I guess now, even though this one is technically last fridays one.  

Thanks for not like heaping the pressure on or anything.  im currently suffering from a stupid art block thing brought on mainly by my mum being sick and my cat being missing so it's a little tough right now, but it also helps to feel productive so im glad ive managed to get some stuff done.

Anyway enough rambling....here's the page....  It's not quite dejavu,




Maybe he is not that bad..... Im trying to give hope to you all


Oh god. If it is anything but "hey it's cool we're in the same kink circles but we will keep it totally professional and not be a creep" then it will be all of my panic attacks and nightmares of going to a kink event


i saw a coworker at a BDSM event once and we both agreed " we never speak of this, ever"


Hopefully this will be more of a "I know we are in the same circles, but the weekend assignment was a punishment duty and not just an extra shift to be pushed onto another one of your squad-mates. Therefore you will be working this weekend to serve that punishment duty."

Alex J Waddington

Days no longer exist so its completely okay if your off by a little


That’s just. So mean.