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The YouTube version of our first discussion on The Outer Worlds from Obsidian Entertainment is going live tomorrow for everybody, but we wanted to let you take an early crack at the audio version. This covers everything in the game up until you land on Monarch. Our deepest thanks to everybody for playing the game and submitting great comments, the next episode will air on November 13th and will cover everything in the game up until you land on Byznatium.

Let us know if you'd like this early audio delivery in the future or if you'd prefer for the audio and video release to be synced up.




I love the idea of you guys releasing it early, even though I won't be able to listen till I actually get to Monarch!

John Ford

I've been taking too much time with this game, I'm still not quite on my way to Monarch and I've been playing for like 10 hours.


I'm in the same boat, I decided to check out a couple of areas prior to landing on Monarch and now I am in deep on Groundbreaker. I might be close to 20 hours in before I get to Monarch at this rate.


I personally prefer video and will likely wait to watch on YouTube, but I think an early audio version is a great idea for those who commute and want to download in the early morning before setting out.


Anything early is always good.


To answer one of y'alls questions on the podcast, Pillars of Eternity (specifically 2) has a lot of similarities with quest design and the amount of choices you have available to finish a quest. If you enjoyed the quest design and dialogue of outer wilds...I mean world and are fine with an isometric game, Id recommend checking out pillars of eternity 1 & 2. 2 being a lot better (also your a pirate which is a major plus) but the story continues so you may be lost if you jump straight into it. Also, a fairly new release on PC, Disco Elysium is also in a similar vain.


I only listen to the audio (don’t watch video), so I appreciate that it’s delivered early. Thank you!


Really enjoyed it!


Depends on how big the delay is for Video versions. I prefer the video versions but when the audio version comes out first I can't resist and watch that first, possibly skipping out on the video version.


That audio bug where it sounds like everything is peaking has definitely happened to me, but only once.

Joseph Gedgaudas

I appreciate the early audio version.


Great overall dive! I can't wait to see what the overall opinion is gonna be. To be honest the game hasn't really sold me. I'm playing it cuz it's been on game pass though...