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Hey everybody, now's your time to shine! Please leave a comment/question/words of wisdom/game as a comment to this post and there's a very good chance we'll read it on this week's episode of The MinnMax Show!

The MinnMax Show is available on iTunes, Spotify, and now Google Play! Thanks again for all of the support. 



Opinions on sex scenes in games? I'm playing the Witcher 3 on switch right now and dang I think they're so tacky!! They look like two chuck e. cheese animatronics boinking. Do you feel like this adds anything to the game or do you feel like its just in there to be *edgy*. - Cooper from LA


How difficult is it to slip up in videos and pods and say "GI" instead of "MinnMax"? It's become so second nature for you for the past 10 years I imagine you have to stop yourself sometimes.


Hey MinnMax Crew, For your first podcast episode I thought I’d submit a fun game I call “Notable Quotables”. See if you can guess the game character from the following quotes. The first three are a bit tough. The final quote is a softball if you can’t get it from the first ones. Enjoy! ~Wes Bates, Woodland, CA 1. "Man… you guys are the best, stupidest group I could ask for." 2. "Well, everybody wears a mask deep within their heart." 3. "At the very least, I’m more admirable than some carnal blonde monkey!" 4. “Don’t call me a cat!” - Morgana (Persona 5) 1. “Fate is another lie told by the gods. Nothing is written that cannot be unwritten.” 2. “The cycle ends here. We must be better than this.” 3. “Dwarves are resourceful creatures. Annoying, but resourceful.” 4. “Boy!” - Kratos (God of War 2018) 1. “He who controls the battlefield, controls history” 2. “I’m just a man who’s good at what he does. Killing.” 3. “War has changed.” 4. “I’m no hero. Never was, never will be” - Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid Series) 1. “So, you want a piece of me, literally. Okay bro. Come and get it, if you can!” 2. “Flock off feather face! Or you can stick around and find out the hard way!” 3. “I should have saved you. I should’ve been the one to fill your dark soul with light!” 4. “Let’s rock, baby!” - Dante (Devil May Cry Series) 1. “Hee-hee… Nothing beats the sweet music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!” 2. “Self-control is something for which I do not strive.” 3. “Son of a submariner. They’ll pay for this…” 4. “Life… Dreams… Hope… Where do they come from? And where do they go…? Such meaningless things… I’ll destroy them all!” - Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI) 1. “You know, all that ever mattered to me was loyalty? It was all I knew. It was all I ever believed in.” 2. “Just do one thing or the other. Don’t try to be two people at once…” 3. “We’re thieves in a world that don’t want us no more.” 4. “What is going on Dutch? What is happening to us, what’s happening to you?” - Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2) 1. “You really are fond of chatting with me aren’t you? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had feelings for me! Oh, no. Dear me. Pretend you didn’t hear that! Hah hah hah!” 2. “This pleases me greatly! Well then, take this. We are amidst strange beings, in a strange land. The flow of time itself is convoluted; with heroes centuries old phasing in and out. The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure.” 3. “…Ahh, it’s over… …My Sun… it’s setting… …It’s dark, so dark…” 4. “Praise the sun!” - Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) 1. “I’m sure you boys didn’t just tag along so we can sing Kumbaya together at some boy scout bonfire. Then again, maybe you did.” 2. “Well I don’t really give a damn – rain or shine, you’re going down.” 3. “I don’t ever remember being a part of your crappy script.” 4. “Used to be a cop myself, only for a day though.” - Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 4) 1. “Yeah, good luck pal, that’s almost impossible to – oh, you did it. Nice.” 2. “Oh no, it’s not that bad. Look, I have my own bucket!” 3. “Great, power’s out, and a girl’s trapped. I swear to God, if there’s a zombie around the next corner…” 4. “Nonononononono!” - Nathan Drake (Uncharted Series) 1. “We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault has been a pleasant one.” 2. “Unbelievable! You, Subject Name Here, must be the pride of Subject Hometown Here.” 3. “You’re not even going the right way. Where do you think you’re going? Because I don’t think you’re going where you think you’re going. Hello?” 4. “Okay. The test is over now. You win. Go back to the recovery annex. For your cake.” - GLaDOS (Portal)


Let’s play a game! I will name some franchises that aren’t doing too hot right now, and you have to name a developer who would be a better fit for that franchise. When I say these franchises aren’t doing too well, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re NOT doing well. They could also just be dormant franchises, or just not have much of a presence in the video games space. The idea is to name developers that these franchises would be better off with than they are currently. Purely hypothetical, of course. So for example, I might say Castlevania, and you could say FromSoftware; I might say Mass Effect, and you could say CD Projekt RED. Let’s begin: 1. Star Fox 2. Burnout 3. Harry Potter 4. Game of Thrones 5. Silent Hill 6. Dead Space 7. Metal Gear Solid 8. Fallout 9. Deus Ex 10. Ninja Gaiden 11. Chrono 12. Suikoden 13. Jak and Daxter 14. Lord of the Rings 15. Star Wars (Fallen Order looks cool, but, you know… EA)


A friend of mine just passed away and I was recalling when he would go in my room and play red alert 2 on my computer while he waited for me to wake up. Do you guys have any gaming memories with family or friends that have passed away or you haven’t talked to in a long time that you’d like to share? Sincerely, Nick in Atlanta


Hanson I didn't know you grew up on an asparagus farm! How upset were you when asparagus wasn't a crop in Stardew Valley?


Ok, so hear me out... Back of the box trivia, but with random items from around Ben's house (not necessarily game related - kitchen items for example)!

william hittle

I'm not very tech savvy, so is there one place to check for updates, posts, videos, etc? If I just check the youtube page for recent videos, what would I miss? If I just bookmark the patreon page, will old content be locate-able without scrolling down through months of posts? If I'm logged in to discord, is there a user friendly page/channel with links to everything? Is that all going to be streamlined to a single website, or some kind of central location? Or do I just feverishly keep tabs on every individual outlet?


Hearing all these reviews for Desth Stranding about being a Post apocalyptic mailman story has me heartbroken; since I already am one! By the way love the show and the length provides me about half a day of work which is awesome. Keep it up! Great Job Bennie and the Jets!


Oh man, I thought finally I would get an email read and I get here and there are 154 comments/questions? LOL You guys are too popular.


Hi guys! In reference to your "how to make a decent video essay etc" you mentioned the importance of music. To tie this in to games, I'd like to bring up an observation and a couple of questions closely related therein. First, the hot take. Most GREAT games (read GOTY candidates) require a great soundtrack. I would argue that a game CANNOT be great, or even GOOD if the music isn't memorable. In light of this, two questions: 1.) Do you agree that a games soundtrack is as important as gameplay or other factors, and is often overlooked as a major determinant of a quality game/experience? What is everyone's favorite video game track and/or composer? (Mine is the soundtrack from Raptor: Call of the Shadows - an amazing DOS game from ages past!) Thanks very much, Eric from Rochester, NY, not Minnesota.


Hey guys, Real boring question from a new dad and lifelong gamer. What were/are some of your favorite games to play with kids (yours or someone else's). Ours is only 3mo so still a ways to go, but I can't wait to get him into gaming. He seems to really enjoy watching me play Outer Worlds as a non-violent dum dum so far - I wish I could say the same about my wife. Congrats on the new adventure, happy to contribute. Nick from LA