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Welcome to The MinnMax Show! On the first real episode of the podcast, we talk about playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Afterparty from Night School Studios. After that, we talk about Kotaku's frustrating saga surrounding corporate ads via G/O Media and run down every game release that we missed since Kyle, JeffM, and Suriel lost their jobs at Game Informer. Then we make the show better by reading the community's wonderful questions before revealing our new closing segment. Our deepest thanks again to everybody that supported us on Patreon and made this entire thing possible!

To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below.

12:00 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
30:35 - Afterparty
39:35 - Kotaku's challenges
53:00 - Control
55:30 - Astral Chain
57:00 - Gears 5
59:50 - Grindstone
1:00:50 - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
1:04:19 - Untitled Goose Game
1:06:30 - Mario Kart Tour
1:07:15 - Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
1:10:05 - Little Town Hero
1:13:15 - Ring Fit Adventure
1:16:40 - Borderlands 3
1:19:34 - The community makes the show better
2:38:45 - Alternate names for MinnMax
2:50:20 - Get A Load Of This




"Turi Tricks"


This DOES feel like home. Great job guys. I think I need a mug now..


If we are $5 patrons do we not have to subscribe to the public podcast feed? Will everything posted there also be on the exclusive feed?


Sorry the video failed to export, watching it now. Will there be announcements here when it get's uploaded? Also will patreons get an add free version when you start to get sponsors? Keep up the good work!

Jake Z

Kyle is the only other person I've heard compare Control to Inside. I got very similar feelings playing both those games too!


OMG Rogue One was way better than Solo! Both are great movies but Rogue One edges it out. The story arcs for each character were more interesting and the stakes way higher.

Jake Z

Old media, you know, like cave paintings! Lmao God Ben is so witty haha

Jake Z

Name for followers idea: MaxiMinions




It made me sad inside when the Jeff didn't know that Culture Brain was real......the publisher of Flying Dragon/Flying Warriors on the NES Jeff......FLYING DRAGON JEFF!!! However, your diction is perfect and voice is Mark Cerny level soothing....so I will forgive you...just this once.

Andrew Malkin

The URL for the MP3 doesn't seem to work. It just says "expired URL". *Update: working now.


The name MinnMax is very good.