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Hey guys, just here to give you another update!

"But Arlo," you might be saying, "I would very much prefer it if you stopped YAPPIN' YER TRAP about makin' videos and actually MAKE SOME VIDEOS!"

Well, while I don't think it was necessary to raise your voice, I do think you're right!  I've got a whole bunch of stuff planned and am hoping to get back into the swing of things; in fact I would love to start regularly releasing at least one video per week.  I know that's still not a ton compared to a lot of Youtubers, but it's going to take just about everything I've got to manage it.  I do think I can do it though.  At the very least I've got to try.

"But Arlo!" you might now be saying.  "I don't want empty promises!  I want to know what I can expect to see SOON!"

Again, I don't appreciate the attitude, but once more you're right!  That's why I'm going to give you details about four upcoming videos.  The most exciting thing is that all four have completed scripts and are ready to shoot.  Of course after that there's the editing, which takes longest of all, and that will vary with each video, but actually getting around to starting the whole process can often be the most time-consuming part.  So, without further ado, here's what's next for Arlo Stuff!  (NOTE:  All of these are working titles and can/will change.)

"In Defense of Super Mario Sunshine"

This is one I've been talking about for ages but finally got around to writing.  Part of the problem was that I needed to come up with the right format.  So this will be part of an ongoing series which I'll probably call "In Defense of..." where I talk about games and other stuff in the industry that I think get more hate than they deserve.  Usually it's stuff that's plenty popular but just has a very large population that thinks it's stupid or whatever.  Super Mario Sunshine has gotten a lot more hate as the years have passed, so in this video I'll talk about why I still like it so much.  I've got two or three other ideas for entries in the series, but I'll reveal those later.

"The Yoshi Principle"

So have you ever noticed how Yoshi appears in Mario games in a pattern?  For the most part he shows up in every other game in order to keep things fresh.  I won't go into too much detail here, but it happens with both 2D and 3D Marios.  This video will talk about the pattern and posit that Mario on the NX will have Yoshi because of it.  It's pretty silly, but I think it will be fun, and it's something that I've never heard anyone else talk about before, so I don't know how many people have noticed.

"I'm a Complete Sissy"

This one will be a little on the short side, and it's just a bit of randomness.  The other night I was playing a horror game at night and I realized how scared I get when playing scary games, and how even the lamest, least-scary titles get me super worked up and freaked out.  So I decided I would talk about the game I was playing when I realized this and talk about how/why games scare me whereas movies really don't.  This will be the simplest to edit and thus might end up being the first of these to be completed.

"My Metroid Franchise Relaunch Proposal"

This is the most exciting one, so you gotta keep it an extra special secret!  It's also going to be really complicated and probably take more editing than anything I've ever done, so I really don't know when it will actually be completed.  The script is indeed done though, so it at least has that much going for it.  Anyway, the video is going to be done like a presentation to Nintendo, proposing a "relaunch" of the Metroid series.  This would include re-releasing the old games with minor tweaks and with a few omissions, with the goal of re-establishing the series canon and paving the way forward.  Other M ran the series into the ground story-wise, so this whole thing would right what was wronged and bring the series back into the limelight.  It's going to be a pretty darn long video though; I think the completed script is close to 2500 words, which I'm pretty sure is even longer than The Problem With Paper Mario.  And I mean it when I say it's like a presentation to Nintendo; I basically imagined I was making this for Reggie himself, so there are very few jokes and I talk a good deal about the financial side of things.  I'm extremely excited to do this though.  Even though I know it will probably never reach even a single Nintendo employee, this kind of thing just feels good to get out there.  It's like I can pretend I'm maybe, potentially, almost accomplishing something, haha.  So here's hoping people agree with the changes I propose and that they also enjoy the video despite it not being super jokey or flashy or whatever.

So that's what's up!  You can expect to see those first three videos in the near future.  Seriously, I really do hope I can manage one video a week.  I figure if I've got people paying me each month, one video a week is not too much to ask of me.  Just keep your fingers crossed that things go smoothly, and I'll keep dreaming of a time when I can do one a week in addition to an episode of Arlo Plays every weekday.  (I keep reminding myself that that's what I'll be doing if my Patreon hits $500 a month, so I need to make sure I can make it happen!)

See ya, folks!



Those videos sound awesome! And I agree, Sunshine was a wonderful Mario platformer. I replayed it earlier this year when I was in a GameCube mood. (So many good games on that system!)


I'm liking this line-up, and I'm totally with you on being a complete sissy with horror games. As for that Metroid proposal, I sure hope Reggie or somebody else at Nintendo gets to see it after it comes out; there's a lot of fans out there who want more that just Federation Force and Blast Ball...


Really looking forward to the sunshine video, personally it's one of my favorite Mario games, I think if it was well liked it could of had a sequel with more nozzles and super interesting level design