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Hey there guys!  It's been some time, huh?

As you can see I was able to post a review of Inside (which is completely amazing).  And as you can also see, I wasn't exactly able to get the review out in a timely fashion.  See, when they told me I'd be getting a copy to review I sort of thought that meant they would get it to me early enough to have adequate time for that review.  The Xbox One version came two weeks before the Steam one, so naturally every other publication in the world got their review out at that time, making the Steam reviews that might come later a little worthless.  Then they also waited until the night before to give me the key, giving me only one day to play the game and shoot and edit the review before the embargo lifted...  So yeah, let's just say I'm lucky I was even able to do it a day late, heh.  BUT, I'm still completely stoked that they gave me a key at all, and even though the review got like no views, I think this is the start of something great.  When more games that I'm interested in start coming out later this year I can't wait to see who else might get back to me.  Right now I think I might be able to get one for a game called Event[0], which looks really awesome.  (You're on a space station/ship typing in actual inputs and talking to a computer a la 2001: A Space Odyssey.  Seriously, look it up.)  In October keep your fingers crossed that I can get through to Nintendo for Color Splash.

So for the remainder of the month I definitely want to get out one of those Arlo Plays highlights videos I've been talking about, but I'm getting the itch to do more, so I really want to do my next Gnoggin video by the end of July.  That won't be on my channel, naturally, but you'll be able to find it over on Gnoggin.  Actually I've been wanting to make a video that points people to the videos I've done for Lockstin.  There was a time when all my fans came from Gnoggin, but now most of them come from The Problem With Paper Mario, so they might not even know about those videos.

Hopefully this week I can get out a new vlog for all you $3+ dudes.  Things are still crazy in my house and it's very difficult to work on video stuff, so here's your monthly reminder that if you ever want to stop pledging or lower your pledge that's perfectly fine!  If I'm not producing enough content for you to feel your pledge is worth it, there's nothing wrong with that, and hopefully things won't be this tough forever.  But as usual you all are super patient and awesome, and I LOVE YOU, MAN.  Thanks to you amazing people I've got a fund set aside to get a PS4 and some games this year.  That fund would seriously not exist without you.

Lastly, extra special thanks to my new patrons!  I don't always get around to thanking each new person personally, but just know that you're seriously amazing for wanting to support my work!

K cya bros.



Haven't seen some Arlo Plays stuff in a while; can't wait to see what you got!