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Instead of a vlog this week I decided to record myself while watching the latest Nintendo Direct.  I put a bit of it on my main channel (the Paper Mario thing) but here's the whole thing.  Not like a whole lot of super interesting commentary going on, just me sort of sharing my (mostly grumpy) thoughts here and there.  I think in the future I may try to do this for every major ND. 


Nintendo Direct 3/3/16 -- Live Reaction

I figured I would set up my mic and get some live reaction action goin' for this Nintendo Direct.



The Paper Mario looked kinda cool (I've never played a paper mario game) and then I saw everyone hating it, makes me want to play the old ones.


You sounded pretty critical on this direct; guess I'm just easily satisfied, 'cause I'm really hyped for that new Kirby game and those Kirby amiibos. Those SNES games coming to the New 3DS really caught me off guard, and I'm actually intrigued by Color Splash; I did enjoy the first Gunvolt, so I'm definitely going to add Gunvolt 2 to my wishlist, and of course I'm all for those updates for Splatoon and Super Mario Maker. Still on the fence about Star Fox Zero and Twilight Princess HD, though... Overall, I enjoyed this Nintendo Direct; sorry that you weren't as thrilled...


By the way, to answer your questions about the Sonic characters: the "bird lady" is Wave the Swallow (from the Sonic Riders games), Rouge has been around since Adventure 2 (but she wasn't in the first two Olympics games as far as I know), and they do have a Boom character in there with Sticks the Badger (the one that had the bow and arrow).


I'm at this weird place where I just don't care about the games Nintendo wants to make anymore, and all the games I used to like they're just not into. It's extremely frustrating.


They've all been cool in their own way, but the problem is that the first two are just SO GOOD. Sticker Star was the worst of the bunch because it was dumbed down horribly and had a broken battle system (battles were best avoided, which defeats the purpose of the whole game) and Color Splash looks mostly like Sticker Star. If they make battles matter it will surely be fun, but with this game it's kind of like if Nintendo stopped making Zelda games and just kept making stuff like the mini game in Nintendo Land forever. No matter how fun it is it's not even close to the same level of depth and adventure of a real game.