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Things are finally getting back to normal after my cold (namely my voice) and I'll definitely have a video done by the end of the week.  I know, I have three videos that I've mentioned that I was supposed to release weekly throughout the month.  Life loves getting in the way though, and between being sick and working so much on Fuzzaboom I've fallen behind.  There are some exciting things coming up though.

I just got a few great new series ideas.  Yeah, there's already so much that I've talked about that I still haven't done, but hey, inspiration comes when it will!  So right now I've got three regular series-type things I want to do.  There would be no regular schedule for them or anything, but they would be ongoing.  Two of them are comedy projects that I still don't want to talk about (one of them being the one I've mentioned a million times, the other being one I just thought up today but I REALLY love), but I can tell you about the other one I thought of recently.

I've been wanting to do a video about video games as a storytelling platform--specifically, how they can convey stories in ways that are completely unique from other mediums.  I wanted to cite multiple games, but I didn't want to give spoilers for them, and I didn't want people to avoid the video because they didn't want spoilers for even just one of the games.  So then I was like, "Wait a second, stupid.  Just make it a series."  It was pretty obvious from the get-go, but took me a while to realize IT'S YOUTUBE.  More videos is always better!  XD  So I'm hoping to do the first one pretty soon, though I have to decide which game to start with out of the three or four I've got planned.  For now those will have to remain a secret!  I would love for this series to be part of a larger "Games as Art" series, but that's definitely getting ahead of myself.

So expect a video tomorrow (Friday) and more fun stuff in the near future!



I fully approve of a larger "Games as Art" series; there's still a lot of people out there who insist that this medium is nothing more than a play-thing for children...


wyh are you a puppet