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Man, have you guys been checking this action?  My Paper Mario video has been getting tons of views; it got as much as my previously most-viewed video in like a day and a half, and right now it's shooting past double!  By the end of the day I'll have gained more than 2000 subscribers because of it.  I've been getting a lot of people mentioning me and retweeting the video on Twitter too, which has driven some traffic.  It's pretty phenomenal.  I know I'm still small beans and I've got a looong way to go, but this kind of thing really makes you feel like you just might make it, you know?

Well today I've been trying to keep my head out of the clouds long enough to finish the next Gnoggin video.  Nintendo fans in particular are probably going to enjoy this one.  It's about everyone's favorite President of NOA, but that's all I'll say about it until it's out.

After I'm done with that I want to start on my next video pretty immediately.  My original plan was to get back to work on Fuzzaboom and release my Toon Link amiibo review in the meantime, but this whole Paper Mario business was something I just had to respond to.  I stayed up super late one night to finish it so I could get it out while the news was still hot, and I'm really glad I did!  So now that I'm getting all these new subscribers I want my next video to be a good one.  I'm not sure what it will be yet, but it will be something analytical, or at least opinionated.  I'm considering if there are enough Pikmin fans out there to do one about the features I want in Pikmin 4.

Well that's it for now.  Keep your fingers crossed that this momentum keeps up and that my channel continues to see a lot of growth!  10k, here I come!  :D



:D My body is ready!


Congrats man, I think as of right now that video is over 40k views.


I think a Pikmin 4 video would be good, i know after watching your Pikmin lets play you know what you want in it