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HELLO! Sorry it's been forever. Right now I'm preparing to go to Midwest Gaming Classic in Milwaukee, and I'm running around like a crazy person trying to get everything done that needs to be done before I go. I've been feeling particularly guilty about not doing a lot of stuff for you guys lately, so I'm looking to check "Patreon blog" off my list.

Future videos! I don't have a whole ton of solid details at the moment. My Yoshi's Crafted World review will go up tomorrow. Then some days after that I'll put up the complete version of my Zelda review. It's got a new intro so that should be slightly fun...ish? After that I'm hoping we get a Nintendo Direct. It seems like the right time for one. February to June seems like a very long time without Nintendo giving us anything, and they always seem to do one for Spring sometime, so I'm thinking it will happen. I just hope super duper extra badly that it's on Wednesday, because if it's on Thursday I'll be traveling all day, and that would definitely not be cool.

Beyond that...I wish I knew! One of the things I need to do over the next few days actually is to come up with one or two ideas, write the scripts, do some shooting and preliminary editing, and get them to Kane for full editing before I leave so that he's working on them while I'm gone and we don't get super behind. Fortunately I just ordered a laptop and it will be here before I leave, so I'll be able to do more work while I'm away. I didn't initially want a work laptop because I wanted to actually get away from the PC every once in a while, but with so many trips this year it only makes sense that I'm able to do actual work beyond writing scripts and answering emails while I'm on the go and in hotels. So that's kinda cool.

While I don't know what the next videos will be, I did decide that I would like to do a video talking about what the heck Retro Studios might be working on right now. So hey, maybe that will be one of the ones I work on next, who knows!

So here's something exciting! As you may have noticed in my April Fools video (which was a ton of fun, by the way) and as you will most certainly notice in the Yoshi review, I got a new camera! The image quality is now so much better that I'm straight up embarrassed by the stuff I've been doing, haha. I'm also making the jump to 60fps, and I was a little hesitant before but I think it looks really good. This is Arlo 2.0, baby! We're gettin' MODERNIZED! So look forward to all my stuff looking better from now on!

So have any of you guys been enjoying the return of Arlo Plays? I still can't make any promises about if I'll be able to keep this up forever, but I'm editing the Pikmin 3 finale right now and I'm getting ready to upload a few weeks worth of Super Mario Odyssey! It's been a ton of fun, so I definitely hope I can keep it up. Unfortunately I'll have to slow the upload schedule back to weekdays for Mario. The one-a-day thing was okay for Pikmin 3 because those episodes were short, but for now I need to slow down a bit.

Sorry I don't have much. I wanted to do an Arlocast but I think I'll wait until after Midwest Gaming Classic in case I want to talk about that in the cast. Thanks so much to any and all new patrons since last time though! You're all seriously amazing!

Have a good one!!! :D



I love Arlo Plays and am excited about Odyssey. Do you have any thoughts on the playability of Breath of the Wild and Odyssey on the Labo VR?


I’m so happy that the channel is growing and growing, and that you’re doing Super Mario Odyssey for Arlo Plays! It’s an exciting time to be an Arlo Fan. That Retro Studios video sounds awesome. I hope that you do a video defending demos someday. Weren’t you going to do a follow up to the hardware problems video? I know that I’ve had a ton of Joy Con problems myself... yuck. If I can give you a little constructive criticism though, I feel like you’ve done too many off the cuff videos. In my opinion, you’re videos are much more interesting when they’re scripted and you’ve done your research. I don’t like hearing you grunt and correct yourself and admit that you didn’t research your points, that’s not what I watch for. Especially with your direct discussions and stuff about recent news. I personally would rather wait an extra day for a better produced video. Just my thoughts. You’re doing great as always though!


Been loving arlo plays!! I can't watch your pikmin 3 series yet sadly cause I haven't played the game and dont want spoilers. I also loved your April fools video your impersonation of beatemups was amazing!! Also quick question who's your favorite paper Mario character? mines bow!


On the topic of "who knows what videos are coming" - You mentioned a long time ago that you had a Splatoon-centric video planned, but I don't think we got it? Did that idea get scrapped?


Still kind of feeling it out. I might not do any video content on it until it comes out, seeing as it's only a few weeks away.


Still in the works, just pushed down the priority list again and again. XP


Feels good to have Mario Odyssey confirmed for Arlo Plays.


Just want to throw my hat in support of a video on wtf are retro studios doing? I would love a YouTuber to do some research into that to pick up on any crumbs as it's a gosh darn enigma wrapped in a mystery. If it weren't for the Prime 4 reset news, you would think Retro had shut down or something.


What about a video predicting which Arlo videos are coming? Maybe if you are interested, you could do a review of SteamWorld Quest? I know you liked SteamWorld Dig, and the dev’s have been saying for awhile that this game is very inspired by Paper Mario? Also hey! Have you ever seen Over the Garden Wall?


I absolutely love Arloplays and I cannot get enough. It's understandable if you can't keep it up forever but I'm enjoying it probably a little more than I should


I am absolutely enjoying the return of Arlo Plays! You mentioned a few years ago that Twilight Princess HD might happen there, is that still a possibility?


Another possibility my kids would love for Arlo Plays would be some Starlink episodes. Maybe after the new Star Fox pilots and missions drop later this month?


💙💙Arlo Plays💙💙


It's a long one, so maybe not for a while, but I'd love to someday for sure!


I love Arlo Plays! I haven’t watched the Pikmin 3 episodes yet—I want to play the game for myself first. But I’ve slowly been catching up with your Wind Waker series and it’s been great so far! I’d love to see your Odyssey playthrough. I think the video ideas you have are all solid. I’m definitely wondering what Retro has been working on before starting on Prime 4. I think a good question to ponder is whether whatever they were working on was put on hold or cancelled entirely in order to prioritize Metroid? I don’t know that you could find any information about this though beyond pure speculation. I think that rumor last year about a Star Fox racing game was real, but who knows if we’ll ever see it now? Anyway, keep up the great work on both channels! I’ve still got to catch up with Arlocasts lol. ;-)


You are super awesome Arlo!. I always really look forward to your footage and videos!. You come out with!. I am truly hoping we shall shake hands someday soon!!!!. Arlo!. P.s: If you see a Awesome Link at the Philadelphia gaming con!. Its probably me!. As a heads up!. Keep up the awesome work!. Arlo.