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Hey guys! So I've been wanting to revamp my Patreon for a while. I wanted to offer more to the higher-tier folks, though of course that was a lot of pressure, seeing as I've barely got the time to do what I'm already doing. So I was talking with Kane, my editor, about it and got to thinking, what if I go the opposite way? Here's what I'm thinking at the moment:

I do away with the top patron shout-outs and the early access. I love doing stuff for my top patrons, but let's be honest, these haven't been very big perks. I'm just not able to get stuff to you guys early most of the time, and while the text scroll is nice I don't know how important it is to people. (Though hey, this is a perfect time to tell me one way or the other!) Then I do away with all the tiers except for $1. I start doing Arlocasts more regularly and I talk about my upcoming projects in them, so they effectively replace update blogs. Then I start a private patron Discord (been meaning to for ages now). So the only tier I have left is $1, but you get access to the Discord server and all the Arlocasts and any other exclusives I might cook up, all for that $1.

Does this give less incentive for people to pledge higher amounts? Absolutely. But it might bring in more people, and with a shiny new Discord server to use, it would be fun to have more people! It's a scary idea because it could potentially change how everyone pledges, but it would also take pressure off of me to keep delivering rewards to the different tiers. This would just be, "Everybody Gets Everything!" It would be fun and simpler and more inclusive.

So let me know what you guys think. Am I being a FOOL? Is this the BEST IDEA EVER? Are you SUPREMELY NEUTRAL? Are you a $1 patron who likes the idea of getting more bang for your buck? Are you a $20 patron who doesn't want to give up your shout-outs and early access?

Whatever the case, I LOVE you guys, and I hope you all have a great day!!!



I’m all for this idea. Keep up the great work, Arlo!


I'm largely ambivalent. My fiancée and I will keep paying what we pay even if it doesn't get anything more than the $1 folks, and we'll keep ravenously consuming every drop of content you can give us!


I'm a RelaxAlax patron too, and my favorite perk is the private Discord server where fans can chat and even ask questions. I'll support whichever tier allows us to do that with you too! Keep up the awesome videos.


I like to spread my contributions so I give $1 to a bunch of creators, and this would get me more stuff from you, so of course I like the idea.


How about a middle ground of something like $5 that isn't so cheap as to potentially Rob you of revenue but still accessable to more people? Like others have said though, I'm not going to change my pledge level. Keep up the great work!


I'm a $1 patron who likes the idea of getting more bang for my buck, and I think it's the BEST IDEA EVER! Love you, Arlo! :D


I'm a $3/mo "Super Fan," and I don't donate for any perks, only for support. At least for me, changing perks won't decrease my donation.


I think this is a good way to attract more people and letting everyone in on the fun! A patreon discord server sounds like something i’d love to be apart of :D You bet i’m not gonna decrease my donation anytime soon though!! >:-)


I hate that idea of eliminating high tiers! You would make less money, and I want the best for your channel. There’s clearly an audience for having your name scroll at the end of a video because otherwise you wouldn’t have any high tier Patrons. Plus, it’s not like offering the extra perks takes away anything for the $1 and $3 Patrons like myself. It’s just more options, and as my favorite blue monster likes to say, options are always a good thing! And while I donate because I’m a fan and not for the perks, I do love your update posts, and I don’t think Arlocasts are a good replacement. They’re better off separate because channel updates are better as quick reads whereas sharing opinions and stories are better for long podcasts. Instead, I would keep the higher tiers and their perks but make Arlocasts a $1 benefit and remove the $3 tier to give people more incentive to chip in a buck who otherwise wouldn’t. I LOVE the idea of a private Discord though. Imagine all the MK8D tournaments we could have! Maybe have a private room for $10+ Patrons. In addition, The Geek Critique has a clever perk where if you pay like $50 (I ain’t rich enough for it lol) you can go in the private Discord room where he and his editor discuss all their videos and I believe you can give input directly to them. Would also work in giving you creative ideas you wouldn’t have thought of without being bombarded by tons of fans


I’m In the 1 dollar and I only donate for you because I’m a big fan of yours and not because of any rewards. I think most people don’t donate for the rewards, but hey that’s just my opinion.


Patreon seems to be driven more by the goodwill of the community than the desire for any individual reward. Lowering the minimum bar to $1 (still probably an order of magnitude more than you would get from a single persons ad impressions). Makes it easier to unify a Patreon community in a single location.


As a $1 patron, I personally love this idea. Having a patron-exclusive discord is a great way to attract more people. You just gotta think if it's enough to offset the cash you'd be losing from the higher-tier rewards.


I don’t think there is the monetary incentive for more tiered offerings than you might think. I imagine a model like the one you describe will incentivize more people to sign on, and if certain American presidential candidates have taught us anything - more small donations can go a lot further than fewer large donations. And a lot of top tier subscribers give money just because we want to see you and Kane keep on doing the good work. I don’t know that you’d lose any of us if there was a shake up


I'm a $1 guy, but you should definitely keep a $5 or so tier for people to get their name in the video. A host of other patreon folks seem to get more high dollar patrons and it doesn't cost you and Kane a lot of your time either


That being said, unless you have good mods, managing a discord could add some overhead to your workload, so that's also something you'd need to consider. I think GameXplain does a good job of that, so it might not be a bad idea to reach out to them for advice.


This is definitely all up to you man. I appreciate you asking us for our input though! I personally, don't have a preference. I do love getting some early access to new videos. It makes me feel like I'm part of a secret club. But a secret discord could also be just as cool! I'm down for anything, I just want to keep supporting you and your videos!


Hey Arlo, I love this idea! Currently I’m at the $3 tier. I support you mainly cause I love what you do. Despite having access to Arlocasts I have yet to listen to one. This is NOT cause I’m not interested, it’s just I’m subscribed to a lot of podcasts and am way behind on all of them. I definitely intend to listen to them, and having the option of going down to $1 and still get access to them is enticing—honestly, I am a supporter of too many Patreon creators already, and it could use a slight bit of trimming down. I also LOVE the idea of an Arlo Discord server! I’m on several Discord servers right now, and I’d love to be able to interact with you and the community. If you do make just one $1 tier for everything, I will likely pledge $2/month. I can’t afford a lot, but I love what you do and think you deserve more than the bare minimum, and I’m sure many of your other fans feel the same way.


Hi Arlo. I'm a $6 supporter, because the highest tier I can afford is $5 dollars but I still wanted to do a little more. I personally pledge to you because I want to support your content. Rewards don't matter to me. But I don't know if all your supporters feel the same way. What I suggest is making a poll asking people whether this change would cause them to pledge more, the same amount, or less in order to gauge how it would affect things.


Are you sure that those in the higher tiers want/expect anything extra at all? I personally don't.


if your happy with doing this arlo hon then i happy to help


I like this concept more! I really like doing a private discord. having conversations would be a lot easier than the pateron chat. Whatever you have to do to get more support, I support cause the more support you have the greater content you can make which Is what I truly want.


The rewards are a nice bonus, but ultimately I support you for your content and effort that goes into them. Whatever helps assist you is what I agree with 👍


So this is my thought: I just like what you put up on youtube and I want to support you with that. I don't really care what you do in return on petreon, because you're already doing something in return: making video's I like. I think I'm giving 10 dollar right now. I would appreciate it if I just could keep giving you 10 dollar a month. Just do your plan, but make people chose what they want to spent. Money is very relative to your income and your expandables. In short: Shut up and take my money :p


I like the scrolling Patreon names even though I’m not on that list yet. I’d personally love it if you did a Patreon update sort of quick hello and thank you video every so often here on Patreon, it doesn’t have to be on YouTube, and had all the $5 and up Patreons listed in the scrolling credits while you say how awesome we are... I would totally pay $5 a month for that. Currently I’m a $3 a month supporter and I probably won’t reduce that even if there isn’t an extra benefit for it. But I would increase to $5 if it meant having my name in scrolling credits.


I’m definitely all over the idea of a patron discord, just hope you can still afford to make your quality content with less Patreon money coming in. That being said I don’t plan on lowering me pledge any further :)


a) the optimist in me says your fans will just keep supporting you regardless, because they love quality content. The realist in me says plenty of people might significantly lower their pledges, because why pay more when you can pay less. And not just because "greedy", but there's probably some folks who pitched in more than they would otherwise, but a reward in a high tier made them just throw that extra dollar your way. b) I do think that a Discord would be a great overall reward, as long as, you know, a certain blue fuzzball is present often enough. c) I think there should be a channel or two in the Discord that is exclusive to higher-pledging Patrons though. Maybe one that discusses video ideas or shares Friend Codes (if you'd even have any time ever to play for just fun), I dunno. Obviously every fan, every Patron is amazing to have and the thankfulness is overflowing and all that, but if you're making a living out of this, I would plain worry about you if there's no incentive, no matter how small, to pay any more than one dollar. That sounds like a worryingly variable income.


I don’t see much of a point in removing the shoutouts, even if it doesn’t little to nothing in promotion for The Arlo Fan Community channel. The shoutouts are also a good way to remind people that you have a Patreon, without flat out saying “Hey, I have a Patreon. Give me moneys.” Not sure how you’d do it without the shoutouts. Having Discord at the $1 tier can have the same affect without removing the shoutouts. Everything else seems fine to me. Glad you’re finally making the jump to Discord!


Arlo, you should take a look at AngryCentaurGaming's Patreon. He does a lot of things for his patrons that I know wouldn't be pheasable for you, but you might get some really good ideas from it. He has boatloads of tiers each with their own thing. I do recommend tiers in some form or another. It does encourage people to pay in more and I don't see it discouraging people from just putting in a dollar.

Landon Robinson

Personally I think keeping a few higher tiers allows for folks who are engaged in your channel and your content a way to invest in a meaningful way. There are people who enjoy being at a higher tier than others because they can feel personally satisfied feeling like a significant contributor to your success, and not just another dollar in the heap. But I suppose you can always just contribute more. But if the issue is that you don't feel you can pump out the higher perk "rewards", then I think the $1 switch makes a lot of sense -- especially if the idea is that you're already busy enough just creating content, which is what Patreon is all about at the core of it. I like giving you $3/month because I enjoy the content and it's fun to see more of it at that value. Plus reading the updates are fun.


I've only been a $3 Patron for a couple months and I'm good with whatever you decide to do. I think having a $1 for everything you said above, and say... a $2 for people to still have the scrolling names as an option. Like someone said above, it's a good way to show you have a Patreon without having to say "Join my Patreon!!" every time. :)


Ah, so sort like how GameXplain does their podcast and server. I like that idea. It seems simpler, and the more I get to hear your wonderful voice, the better in my book, haha. The Arlocasts were the reason I signed up for the $3 tier in the first place. I must be honest, though; I would probably drop my $3 tier down to $1 if I could still get the Arlocasts. That low bill might do a lot of good getting more patrons if you advertise it frequently. I'm no YouTuber expert, though, so that's just my random speculation that has no merit behind it.


I think that there's a middle ground somewhere in there. Low cost of entry is great, but I think there's nothing wrong with having a higher tier for those who want to pay it. Maybe you could lower the highest tier so that you don't need to feel compelled to add more rewards. For example, Discord and ArloCasts for $1 or $2, early access to videos and get on the Wall for $5-10. Those numbers could be whatever you want, of course, the point is that you have a pretty cool base of fans who are willing to pay a bit more, I don't see a reason to make them stop doing that. I'm not one of those high payers, so I can't speak for them, but it seems to me that they're not really there for the rewards necessarily, they like your stuff and want to contribute.


I'd be curious to see what would happen if you offered Discord/ArloCast access for $1, and then had a $2 tier which added nothing at all, just for people who are feeling generous. I'd bet a lot of people would pay $2.


Honestly having only been a 1 dollar patreon for a very short while so I have no idea what the best course of action is. I’m doing this for the sake of supporting you so whatever you think works I’m probably fine with.


Patreon keep the shout outs.


While I would love to get access to everything on your Patreon, I've been meaning to upgrade to the $20 tier so I could have my name featured in one of your videos at least once. I might suggest keeping the shout-outs tier (and maybe lower the price for it?) but also do the all-access $1 tier.


I'm supremely neutral


I would be all about having a discord where we can all hang out and talk, I enjoy others I am in! I had to temporarily reduce my sponsor amount due to a job loss/upcoming move, but when we resettle I planned on responsoring at a higher amount and will most likely do so regardless of what you offer. I just want to support you and your content


Please do the discord that sounds like so much fun and I pay mainly for the arlocasts I would pledge 20 for a discord server lol

Sean Jackson

Maybe keep all the tiers but bring the discord down to the one dollar level to bring in more patrons?


I love this. There’s research on how reward systems and behaviorism are actually quite demotivational. With this, you’d be letting people choose how much to donate for donation’s sake rather than for a tier reward that may or may not be “worth it.” Donations might even go up. Plus, I would love to be in a big Arlo Discord! That would draw me in if I wasn't here already for the Arlocasts. The community aspect is a huge part of why I’m passionate about video games.


I really like the idea of giving access to everything for the lowest amount and letting people pay more for what they can. I can’t give tons of money to all my favorite creators, but I give what I can so I like not feeling too left out. I certainly wouldn’t drop my pledge to $1 a month just because I could and I imagine most fans are like that


I think you should keep the top patron shout out tier, but have everything else be $1. that way there's minor incentive to pledge more but the primary tier is a low barrier to entry.


I think it's a good idea!! Another person I support on patreon does something similar and it seems to be working really well for him. but I'm not sure how the patrons who have been sticking around with the shoutouts will feel about it, so I think it's their opinion that you would want to consider. But overall I think it's a great way to get more patrons :)


How about: * A $2 pledge gets all of the normal rewards; * Top patrons aren't a tier, they are literally the top patrons (any number of your choosing (such as 10)) by the amount of dollars pledged. Personally I am at the $1 tier, but I'd pledge $2 to get additional rewards. My favorite reward is the Arlocasts. Usually with the written blogs I have my computer read them aloud anyway. I believe the Top Patrons feature should be kept. I'd join the Discord but I probably wouldn't use it much. I hope these help you!