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HEY! Howyadoin'? Did you notice that I brought back Arlo Plays this week??? Yeah, I know not a ton of people care, but I'd like to give it a shot again. I can't make any promises, but I know I'm at least finishing Wind Waker, and if everything goes according to plan I want to do Pikmin 3 next. So give me a "HAPPY SLAPPY!" down in the comments if you're one of the precious few who are looking forward to watching me fumble my way through Zelda and Pikmin!

Anyway, it's been a while since the last update blog, so here's what you can expect to see in the coming weeks!

First, there's a Pokemon Direct tomorrow morning. I'll record my reaction, naturally. If it just ends up being a teaser that shows us three new starters I might just stick the whole thing here for you patrons, but if it ends up being a full gen 8 reveal I'll probably put it on Youtube and wrap it up in a discussion video. I generally do reactions and discussions separate for Nintendo Directs and stuff, but this is short enough that I think combining them makes sense. But I'll have to wait and see what they show us and make the decisions then and there.

Then, thanks to the Pokemon announcement, I'd like to do a "my hopes for gen 8" kind of video. Pretty self-explanatory, just all the stuff I hope to see in a big, new Pokemon game on Switch. Now that I think about it I probably should have done this BEFORE this (presumed) reveal, because once we see real gameplay a lot of my "hopes" won't be worth mentioning because they'll be confirmed or deconfirmed already. So while I want a full blowout tomorrow, I'm also kiiiinda hoping for just a teaser, haha.

Then the next full video that's already in the pipeline (coming soon to $10+ patrons) will be one about the Link's Awakening remake. Specifically, the art style, the controversy surrounding it, and even the nature of opinions themselves. I'm really hoping this one isn't too preachy, but I'm pretty happy with the message.

After that, I really want to make a video about Mario Maker 2. I know it's old news by now (same with Link's Awakening, really), but I just really want to talk about it. How cool it looks, how important I think it is, that kind of stuff.

So that probably covers the next month, assuming something else doesn't come along and change things. Buuuuut, I do have some exciting news. And I don't THINK I've talked about this yet... So I'm going to assume I haven't, ha.

Do you remember that idea I was talking about some time back, where someday I wanted to sit down and play all the 3D Marios and make videos on all of them, comparing and contrasting and analyzing and all that good stuff? Well now that Kane is my full-time editor, I've got more time for side projects like that. And I've been jonesing to do more thoughtful, timeless content. Stuff like the Breath of the Wild review, stuff that I can be really proud of long-term. But I got to thinking, and I realized...why limit it to 3D Mario? Why not cover other series as well? And THEN I got to thinking, why am I bothering to make it such a thing, where I play them all in a row and make a series of videos? Why am I limiting myself? Why don't I just play them all in a row, just like I planned, but then just sort of...make a video about each one? Know what I mean? Playing them in a row and comparing to each other doesn't need to be the "gimmick." Why don't I just say: "This is a video about this game!"

I don't know if any of that makes sense, but basically what I'm saying is that I want to do to other games what I did to Breath of the Wild. I want to play them with a real critical eye, then do the deepest dive I possibly can on them, comparing them to other entries in the same series and really just going nuts on them. And I want to sort of set them apart from my regular content, so I need to really think hard about the branding. I'm thinking of making each one "An Exploration of [blank]" or something. "Retrospective" isn't quite accurate (plus Youtuber KingK already does those), "review" isn't quite it either, "analysis" doesn't really cover it... So "exploration" is the best I've got so far. But be sure to let me know what you think. I think it gets the job done pretty well. But I dunno, I'll need to think on it more.

I don't know what ended up shifting my attention away from Mario, but at the moment the first video in this new series is about...

(drum roll, please...)


There's a part of me that thinks maybe I should hold off for a while to see if a trilogy collection gets announced, but at least at the moment, I'm writing the script for Metroid Prime 1. So if you liked my Breath of the Wild review and you like Metroid Prime, you'll probably think this is pretty okay. And you want to know how deep I'm going on it? Well, I don't think it will be as long as the Breath of the Wild review, but at the moment the script is a little mover a half hour long, and here are the topics I've yet to touch on:

Enemy design (creatures, Space Pirates, bosses)

Level design of each area

Progression (with many comparisons to Super Metroid)

Issues with backtracking and how they could be addressed


Thermal and X-ray visors

Visual style, immersion and atmosphere

Scan visor and passive storytelling

Bleak mood of the world

Sound design


Outro about how the game is so important because it represents everything Nintendo typically doesn't like to do yet fits Nintendo so well

Sooooo yeahhhhh... I'm not going to split any of these videos up into multiple parts, so there's no telling how long this one will end up. I'd be pretty darn surprised if this was any less than an hour, and if it turns out anything like BotW, it'll just keep on stretching out before me until it's ridiculously huge. But we'll have to wait and see! I'm still not 100% sure this will indeed be the first game I cover (really just because of the whole trilogy thing possibly throwing things off) but it's at least the first one I'm writing. I just played 1 and 2 so I'm trying to get them written out ASAP, and now that I've started it makes sense to play 3 again while the first two are fresh in my mind, or else if I leave and come back to the project I'll have to start all over by playing them again... But anyway, whatever ends up happening, I'm really excited to start doing these. Even if the idea is reeeeally daunting and I'm already 1/6 of the way through the year and I still don't have much to show for it. XP

But that's that! I've actually got another SUPER EXCITING piece of news to share about a project I'm working on RIGHT NOW...but it'll have to wait until another day. ;) For now though, I'll just say...

...it's not a video.


Anyway, thanks for reading, thanks to any new patrons, and talk to you later!





HAPPY SLAPPY x1000000000. You could also do a lets play for Pikmin 2, to continue the series. Exploration is a good word for it.


happy slappy


I think it’s best if you at least start a new game that way you get a better picture of who all is interested in Arlo Plays since some people are probably gonna be intimidated to binge Wind Waker. Probably best if you announce when you’re playing a new game in an Arlo Direct or something.


I didn’t realize there was an Arlo plays channel but I’m happy to find there is and I’m now going to go watch episode one and probably binge my way through them all... It might be possible to have too much Arlo but I am not there yet:)




HAPPY SLAPPY! This idea of going back to old games and analyzing them is AMAZING!! I’ve been thinking recently that sometimes I get a little tired of just hearing Arlo talk about the news all the time. I hope that you do end up going through the 3D Marios and doing a video for each. Pikmin 2 would be cool as well! As for Arlo Plays, I hope you do Super Mario Odyssey sometime. I love that game so much!


The happiest of slappys/slappies/I'm not sure what the plural is. I love Arlo Plays and I was very sad when it stopped, so naturally, I'm happy to see it come back (and I'm happy to have an excuse to watch the series again). And as for the exploration series, it sounds great I've unfortunately never played Metroid Prime, but I'll be happy to hear more about it in depth (especially from you). And everything else in the pipeline sounds just as good. I can't wait for it all. And so I end this long comment with thanks to you for being great and for continuing with everything you do and doing it so amazingly. - Cameron, from the UK


OMG I'm so excited you brought Arlo plays back this is the best day ever!!! I think I might cry. 😭


Happy Slappy! Definitely excited for an inevitable Pikmin "exploration." Specifically, the complete genius of the cave system in 2.


YAAAAAS! I love ya, Arlo! Can't wait for all the long, quality and insightful Explorations! I personally think Metroid Prime is a fantastic choice, since I had some problems with it that it looks like you'll be addressing in detail. I love your updates! :D

Aaron Rowan

YEAAAAHHHHHH Happy Slappy! :D and exploration seems about right, there are no more words that fit! Looking forward to all of this as usual and intrigued...


Happy Slappy!!! Hey Arlo I know this is the most specific compliment ever but I loooooove how you categorize everything on your channel into playlists! It just make looking for a good one that much easier!


When these big deep-dive videos are put in production, I hope you put in more screen time on your face. Kinda bothered me not seeing it much at all in your BotW review


Happy Slappy! Cant wait to see you return to WW and Pikmin!


Ah! I'm so excited for that Mario series. I've always wanted to do something like that myself, I love doing series playthroughs and I'm currently on Final Fantasy (only on 2 right now). Lots of great stuff coming in the pipeline. I love Let's Plays, I just wish I had more time to watch more! I typically only like watching ones for games I've already played because I still prefer gaming to watching. Kudos to your channel's growth!


There are three main types of videos I love the most from my arlos. Big well thought out timeless videos, Pikmin videos, and funny off the cuff and passionate lets plays. So yeah, this is fantastic news! Arlo talking about games Arlo cares about make for the best videos. As to the big project videos: don't hold back. If I'm watching Arlo views on a game, I want everything you've got, video length be damned! HAPPY SLAPPY!


I'm officially throwing in "Arlo Views" as an idea for the branding. It's like Arlo reviews, it's like Arlo's different perspectives and opinions on a game, and it's like Arlo is viewing the game. "Arlo Views: Metroid Prime". An Exploration sounds a lot classier though. Just might get long titles? An Exploration of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. But whatever it's called, I'd love more videos like your BotW review. Quality content!




On Arlo Plays: I'm no big fan of (solo) Let's Plays, but if you ever do a nuzlocke of any kind, I am there and I am lovin'.


Woohoo. I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but more Arlo plays was on my Christmas list last year. Hopefully it comes true. *And* metroid prime discussion?!


Happy slappy! I'd love to watch you play pikmin!


Ideas for branding: "On the subject of Pikmin" (Call them OTSOs). "The Pikmin Impact". "Arlo's Pikmin" (Always including a segment on your ideal for the game).


Happy Slappy!! :D


Happy Slappy! So stoked for WW, Pikmin, and Prime (three of my favs). Also you could say you're "Arlo-ing" your exploration vids.


HAPPY SLAPPY. Awesome News, I was just re watching old ones the other day!


I'm looking forward to your in depth pieces on games/games series!! Sounds exciting to watch


So this is my first comment on the Patreon. I discovered you somewhat recently and I really enjoy your stuff, so I thought it was only right that I should become a patron to support you. I think all your ideas for the future are awesome—I watched the whole Breath of the Wild review series, and it was honestly the most insightful and intelligent (and certainly detailed!) view of one of the masterpieces of modern gaming! So I’m excited for whatever future impressions/deep dives into games you do, especially when it’s a series I love. Metroid Prime sounds like a great idea! Keep up the awesome work Arlo 😃


Oh, and now I’ve discovered your whole separate Arlo Plays channel, so now I have a ton more of your videos to watch lol 😉


HAPPY SLAPPY! Great to see Wind Waker getting finished finally! Also looking forward to Pikmin 3, hopefully views will pick up with that one if enough people hear about it. Seems like some people who didn't know about the second channel are a bit overwhelmed by the idea of getting caught up.


AWSOME! I loved your pikmin Lets play, so I'm really looking foreward to the Pikmin 3 Let's play :) And the idea to cover Metroid prime like the BotW Review is great!



Maciej Kuczyński

That video about opinions was awesome, Arlo! Really wise stuff there… I'll try to stick to what you said as much as I can. Thank you for the valuable insights. :)




You didn't tell anyone Arlo Plays was back! :P Great update, looking forward to everything!


HAPPY SLAPPY! I'm VERY excited for the return of ArloPlays! I had no idea until I read this post just now that the series was returning. By the way, you may want to mention in one of the videos on your main channel that ArloPlays is a thing and is alive and well!!


YES I've been wanting ArloPlays to come back! Any chance you'll be up for playing through TTYD? (: Also yes, the BOTW series was awesome and something I'd never seen before. You should def keep doing long exploration videos, you're really good at them with your writing.




wow it's actually really cool to know what you're up to and what could be goin on later


I’m so happy you continued the wind waked playthrough! Would love a pikmin playthrough as well!


Glad you brought back Arlo Plays! My kids often ask to see videos on their favorite games (Pikmin, Zelda, Luigi's Mansion, Starlink, etc.) on youtube and you are one of few creators that I trust to let them see whatever you make. Glad to be able to support you.