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First things first, some stuff about pledges and payments and stuff. I know I already talked about this a super long time ago, but I think I'm finally going to switch my profile to where a person pays upfront when they pledge. I've just been getting a surprisingly huge number of pledges recently that dry up before the payment period even comes. I don't know if people are trying to get rewards for free or what, but I think it will just be easier to change it. I guess that doesn't really affect you wonderful people who are already pledging, but I feel like I need to tell someone so I'm telling you, haha.

Also, I'm seeing an unusual number of declined pledges. Maybe Patreon changed something on their end and it's wigging out the banks or something like what happened some months ago. Whatever the case, take a look at your profile to make sure everything is going through properly. I mean, if you still want to pledge! (It feels a little weird being like, "Hey, make sure you're still giving me your money! XP) And also I don't really know how everything works on the patron's end, but I'd hate it if the system stopped giving you access to your rewards or something.

But now for the good stuff! I don't have a ton of solid ideas at this point, but here's what I'm thinking:

Right now I'm doing the preliminary work on a video exploring the idea of Switch hardware revisions. Switch Mini, Switch Pro, that kind of thing. It's a topic I've wanted to cover in detail for a while now, so I'm happy to finally give it the full discussion treatment. I don't know if it will make the slot for next week, but if not it shouldn't take too long after that.

Next I've got a video talking about the Hotel Transylvania 3 game. Yup, you heard me right. In case you don't know, it's basically a Pikmin game. I finally got to sit down and record some commentary while I played it the other day, so I'm hoping I can do a little bit for the beginning and wrap it up into something funny. There's a chance this will end up getting fast-tracked for next week, but again, I'm not sure yet. Got to work with Kane on the schedule.

Beyond that I don't have much that I haven't already told you about. We're still in that awkward period before a Direct where I don't want to talk about anything that could be made outdated with an announcement. Thing is, I'm like 85% sure there was indeed going to be a Direct in January but that it was cancelled because of the Metroid Prime 4 news and most of its announcements were made through social media. I actually would love to do a video on this, but I don't think I should since I already made a video about the lack of a Direct in January. If this is truly the case though, it could be March or even April before we get another one. Buuuuut, we could also get one any day now, because there's no way to know for sure. So yeah, it might be a rough couple months where I'm not really sure what I should be talking about. But hey, I'll think of somethin'!

Even if I don't have a ton of video updates though, I do have some exciting news! And none of this is 100% official yet, so don't go telling anybody, but I figure I can at least tell you fine folks. It's about conventions! I'm currently in talks to go to the following conventions this year:

Midwest Gaming Classic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Too Many Games in Oaks, Pennsylvania.

Portland Retro Gaming Expo in Portland, Oregon.

Again, ya gotta keep this hush-hush! Nothing's written in stone yet, and once it is I'll be sure to make announcements and all that. But I'm super excited about going so many cool places this year! I really wanted to hit Retropalooza again, but unfortunately it's on the same days as Portland Retro Gaming Expo, so if it comes down to it I definitely want to go to the one I haven't done before. But man, I got the travel itch. I can't wait to go somewhere new and meet a ton of cool new people. So keep your fingers crossed that everything works out!

Assuming I go to all of these, will any of you be there? Leave a comment if you are! Also leave a comment if you're a new patron and introduce yourself! ALSO leave a comment just because I love to read the comments on these but I haven't been getting a lot recently...

Anyway, have a good one, and I'll catch you later!



Definitely a good idea to switch to immediate payments. When I pledged I was able to afford it but then some stuff happened and I was just a hair short on the dough for a couple days (sorry about that, definitely wasn’t trying to get free perks). But yeah switching to immediate payments should help fix problems like that.

Maciej Kuczyński

Wow, I checked the Patreon app to see if there are any new updates from you and a moment later a notification came about this entry. 😁 Nice one! About the Switch revision – if they're going to release a mini version, which would essentially replace the 3DS, do you think they'd go for a foldable design, something like the GBA SP? That would be pretty cool and it would make the device much more portable. 🤔


Just dropping in to say howdy Arlo. Greetings from NC, you put out great content! Hope y'all can come visit a con or two soon.


Sounds great! I can’t wait for the Switch hardware video. I hope to go to Too Many Games as Philly is only a 1.5 hour drive from me! I have a video idea for you if you care: In Defense of: Demos. You can defend the notion that demos are bad for developers and talk about how demos are important for getting people to try your game and mention the Octopath Traveler Demo and the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire as examples, and continue on to say that indie developers should use them more.


I'm new, just saying hello from the UK. Also I love you're videos, keep up the good work.


Not at all a new Patron but have never commented. I just came to say I never expected to see you use "XP" but somehow it seems in character enough. That is all.

Marcel de Jong

Not new. Also not able to go to any of the mentioned cons, because I'm from the Netherlands, hi from here, Arlo. +1 for the demo subject from me. Also how many years did Nintendo wait until a hardware revision for the DS and the 3ds? I think we can expect a similar strategy for the Switch.


About not wanting to talk about anything because that could be made outdated thing: Personally, I love your opinion videos and do not mind if they become out dated by a Direct one day later. However, I get that this can be frustrating and doesn't help the viewer numbers. So why don't you use the quiet time to relax a bit? I know I know the YT algorithm is an issue, but worrying about this stuff isn't healthy and everyone needs a break sometimes. Ps: Any chances that you'll be at a convention in Germany someday?


Hello Arlo! I'm following you from Finland, so I understand if you're not coming to an expo near me. I really enjoy your videos, and am so happy that your channel is doing better and better. Keep those videos coming, they are one of the the highlights of my week!


Yes, something was up with the Patreon payment processing this month. Usually I get an email on the first day of the month saying they charged my card but this month they didn’t process until the 4th. They had a page saying there was a delay in processing payments this month but I had to dig to find it. Anyway, I’m happy the creators I like have finally been supported. I found your channel recently and I’ve really been enjoying your videos. I’ve gone back into the depths of the archives and watched a bunch of your older videos too. I didn’t get a switch until they had been out for a while so it was fun to see the hype at the launch and in the early days. The switch is currently my favorite gaming system of all time. And this is probably way too long of a comment but you asked for comments so here you go:)


Hi Arlo! I haven't commented on here, or on your videos before, but since you asked... You are by far my favourite youtuber! Thanks for being you, and for sharing your personality, your insights, and your experiences with us <3


Hey, who knows! I think going to cons overseas would be awesome if I can manage it someday!


Hey Arlo, I'm a new patreon, although Ive been watching your videos for around 18 months now. I have a suugestion, perhaps you could do some let's plays on newer nintendo games (like luigi's mansion 3 when it comes out) on your Arloplays channel in the future. Now you have alot more time perhaps you could fit it in? This is just a suggestion though, and I wouldn't want it to get in the way of the main event, your awesome Arlostuff channel!


Thanks so much for being a patron! I'm definitely thinking of ways to bring let's plays back to the channel. Even if it's still just old games I hope to start doing it again soon!


I had a quick question that's kinda off topic. Im a huge Metroid fan and have played all of the 2d one except the original. But I've never played any of the prime games I have the first one for GameCube. Should I start playing it now or just wait for the inevitable Metroid prime trilogy release for switch. Also is the original Metroid worth playing?


Hey Arlo! (I couldn't think of anything else better to say.... but you said to comment so.... here ya go!) I like your videos!

Aaron Rowan

Hey! All sounds great. Would love to see you come to a UK comic con one year when you get the chance.


I didn't get charged for my Patreon pledges this month at first because I didn't have enough money in my checking account. It's all been taken care of now, though I can't say that the same thing is happening to everyone else.


That’s too bad I can’t see you again at Retropalooza again, but I guess that means I have a more incentive to go to Arlopalooza this year ;)


Hey... Nice update you got there... For the record, I'm still interested in your jalapeño popper recipe. :P


Hey arlo!! You're a super cool dude. I know everyone has already said it, but patreon charged me the 4th as well. I don't think this is the first time it's happened before though, so I wonder what's causing it? Kind of worrisome, especially for content creators. Also I hope you have fun at the cons you're going to this year!! It would have been cool for you to go to retropalooza again (since it's in driving distance) but I'd much rather you have a great time at a new con and give other fans the great experience I got <3 just keep up the super great work!!


I love you too Arlo! I'm a new patron, though I've watched your videos for a long while. After your public podcast that you posted, I was sold on becoming a patron. Seeing your fuzzy face or listening to your enthusiastic, uplifting voice always makes me smile!


Hey Arlo! I was one of the guys who "dried" the pledge last month and I apologize about it. I have a huge respect for your content and effort. You even were my reason to come to patreon and you also were my 1st pledge ever! so I wasn't very familiar with it and got caught up in the moment, but miscalculated what I could offer at the time. But I want you to know that once I make patreon a regular part of my life I'll make you rich! Whatever you decide, I'm right here with you and will double the pennies I had to take back. You just wait and see. <3


I don't know if there has been any payment processing issues lately; it has happened before, where MasterCard specifically refused to process payments for one Patreon user for political reasons. What I do know is that recently a lot of people have abandoned Patreon in protest to them banning several users who make politically-orientated content; those former users ended up moving to alternative platforms like SubscribeStar, which was almost immediately denied processing from Paypal and Stripe and has only recently gotten over that hurdle. This is an issue that I've been paying very close attention to, because I want to support you and the other creators I pledge to on here, but I cannot support how Patreon is denying some creators the ability to earn a living solely for ideological reasons...


ARLO! New patron here. In addition to loving the channel, I think you have to be one of my favorite people ever, which feels slightly strange to say to someone I've never met, but it's true! Thanks for being you, and for sharing that so often with the world.


That's a tough call. I would at least wait until the next Direct to see if they announce anything. And I haven't played the original either! Doesn't really appeal to me.


I should also say that YOU ROCK and keep doing what you love!


Pssst. Arlo don't tell anyone I said this but, there is an awesome game called owlboy and I think you're gonna love it.


sounds good arlo


You're... you're coming to Milwaukee? But I live in Milwaukee. That means you'll be coming to the town where I live. That means that you'll be here, but also I'll be here. How is this real life?


Hi Arlo! I'm a new patreon (just as of a few minutes ago) and I love your vids and as a writer, I really appreciate the good writing you put in your scripts. I've never been a patreon before, but you're that special and I want to help you as much as I can. Keep bein' great! -Mary Ann (P.S. Also you might see me liking your tweets or commenting under the Twitter name "GlloriaCP")


HELLO!!! Thanks so much for your pledge and for being a fan and for being AWESOME! Glad to have you here. :D


I'm new to your patreon and hope you'll visit the Bay Area! Your reviews have been some of the best I've found for the Switch. It's my first game console in ten years, so I've missed a lot of the stories and franchises. Keep up the awesome work!


Thank you so much, and welcome!!! For some weird reason there don't seem to be a lot of gaming conventions in the Bay Area, but if I can find a good one I'd love to go!


Seattle person here — keep up the awesome videos my blue friend! I’m newer to patreon but I’m always so happy when I get to sit down with a new Arlo video at the end of a long day. Appreciate you and your work!


Arlo! I just became a patron! This is the first time I’ve ever pledged money to ANYONE on Patreon, so I started small but am considering more. I seriously love your videos so much that you were the first person to ever make me consider doing something like this. Thank you for the incredible content, and keep up the good work! Love ya!


Hey Arlo!. You probably already know me!. But I am new patron! to you!. I am Ed!.