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I was finally able to cross paths with my friends and complete all the necessary video materials that I need to bring the story to a logical ending in a game project (except for adult content, but I will deal with it after I add all the materials to the game code and make sure everything worked without errors).

However, there was a problem - for combat in space, I had to make a separate combat code, which caused a conflict in the game code. At the moment, I seem to have managed to find a solution to this problem (at least the editor does not give an error when I do try to starting the project), but I still have to dig and do experiments in the new combat code. I hope that no new errors will appear, but I will still need to double-check everything, since this is a complex code, and it does not forgive even a single error (like all code on the Ren-pi engine as a whole, it’s just that the combat code is the most confusing).

That's all for now, thank You for Your attention ^^




Good luck!


God dang commander asela is just….