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I think it's not a secret for many that I wanted to add combat in space to the final update of Act-2 (I've talked about this several times before), and therefore - I'll get straight to the point:

This fight will not be mandatory (yes, it can be avoided), but if the player wants to try to help the inhabitants of the space station and engage in an unequal battle with the enemy, such an opportunity will be. Perhaps - the fight will take place in several stages, and the player will have the opportunity to jump out of it if things go too badly. Or fight to the end (the possibility of winning will be present, but of course this boss will be more difficult than the previous one).

One way or another - at the moment - I have taken all the necessary records to recreate the battle script, but maybe - I will add something else. Unfortunately - there were no recordings of a dynamic battle - I was unable to find a partner with not crooked hands, so ... For now, everything will look something like this:

Combat examples (please copy and paste the link FULLY into Your internet browser bar) :

Krystal Attacks (not all, just examples of them):

1) https://mega.nz/file/2TglGRyS#NZWFhtYzJ0PbM7DD3eik3ksLIEocMaV5d9yfe0wMAug

2) https://mega.nz/file/iShVWJLT#MlgPzZXRA3gxQ92FFiB1XKjVVHb1I5l2CIWqSSw2G04

3) https://mega.nz/file/GWZE2YAb#5eN6VoIsLX8MhGCnP6QpFj6d9RirQbxdF9CxxeLl-tY

The Enemy Attack :

1) https://mega.nz/file/qXgWEJaL#vt2jUI4vR-bmlxZZNIEC5gh0viGxzAgYq0b-IVtqvTM

2) https://mega.nz/file/TGAVXA6I#3srGjLmMPeHaf00MRDMUWhHK7LCchmU7_8WBmeZIpiM  (possible this one will be used for some special attack if player will loss the quick time event, but will see)

I hope You like what you see, and I'm back to work, ty for attention ^.^

P.S. If someone says that the enemy looks like a helicopter and he has no place in space - I retort this by saying that there is a unit of this type in Starcraft 2, and it is also used in missions in space :P

P.S.S. People, especially those who donate 1-3 dollars - please, if for some reason you are no longer interested in my work - you should not write offensive messages when leaving. I receive barely half of your donation after the full withdrawal of money to my bank account (from one dollar - even less), and more often for such an act like this I just make a refund and blacklist you. But there is always an opportunity to resolve the issue differently and in a more friendlier manner. So the choice is yours.



