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in the process of building a new location Warriors Zone for the game, I decided what exactly I want to show in the game update 004, and it would be:

- The new location Warriors Zone (already almost finished, watch screenshots to post), in which will be at last two NPC at day time, one of which will be the Warrior, who can train Krystal in melee combat (Not for free, which will increase her strength characteristics), and also, in future game updates - by communicating with him, Krystal will be able to receive an additional quest and take part in battles in the arena, for which she will receive a clan reputation and increase strength , and also earn gold. The second NPC most likely will be huntress, who will also teach Krystal archery for a certain fee (and generally increase the level of her dexterity, and in future game updates she will give hunting tasks. What exactly will they look like? Perhaps similar to what work looks like in tavern, but there will also be a certain randomness present, and also taking into account the character’s characteristics, the better they are, the greater the chance of success. I also think that Krystal’s basic bow and spear will be given for free, and she will receive better weapons for the level of reputation later in the armory, also for reputation only. And, perhaps in future updates, at night - a couple of lustfully inclined males will appear in this Warrors zone, with whom Krystal can also try to communicate, at her own peril and risk...

- There will be some rethinking of the characters of the merchant and the guard in the main camp, the merchant will sell potions and healing bandages, and in future updates she will have a quest where, for a certain fee on her part - from Krystal, with a sufficiently high level of lust - there will be the opportunity to entertain her husband (or maybe brother). How exactly is not difficult to guess, and I think at the end of this quest, the merchant will not only occasionally watch what is happening, but may end up joining in the fun... At first I thought that male character in all this would be Dappa, but perhaps he will be replaced, and for the guard of the leader’s house I’ll come up with something different...

- I also think that I will try to add the possibility of a small walk, to the cave where there will be a waterfall (yes, the same one that you already saw if you went through version 003 along the lustful path), and maybe she will even have the opportunity to wash herself , and perhaps not only...


In general, the update will be more like a foundation for future possible paths for the development of the character's story, and later I will expand each of them. I will also try not to write too much text in update 004, since I still have not received the text edit from 003, and in this way I will give a little break to those who decided to try themselves as an editor of this text...

Thank You for Your attention ^^



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