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for some reason my old link to the invitation to the discord server was deleted, so I generated a new one * https://discord.gg/ARxTNwuuYa *, so if You want to keep abreast of the latest events regarding the game project or my any other works - I post all the small news and experiments there at the beginning, and only then, when there is enough content, I post on Patreon and Boost pages.

Anyway, in this post I want to show screenshots of the Cave & Waterfall location (mostly), which I will add in the next game update. They won't be too extensive (from start at last), it's more of an experiment to give the player a chance to wander around a bit, and as a bonus - Krystal will have the opportunity to wash herself under the waterfall in the cave (adult pics in the discord group in the game-project-news section).

Perhaps in the future there will be more of such locations, and this location will also become more extensive if the players like this idea (and also if I’m lucky enough to find suitable locations), and also some random events and encounters will be added to it that will occur under certain circumstances (but this will already be in future versions of the game project).


Regarding everything else, I’m currently selecting possible actors from friends who can have a better type of lizard avatars for the warriors location, but if I'm not lucky enough to organize everything properly, I'l have to use my versions of such.
Thank you for your attention, that's all for now.



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