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Audio version of the April Patreon-only update

There are quite a few sections in this one that rely on the visuals - so this audio version is at a bit of a disadvantage.  The video version is in a separate post. 




Just wanted you to know I have now subscribed to 'Dave's Boring Videos', it is a great channel. Your 'Oddcasts' are the only update videos on patreon I watch - the longer the better. I am sitting at work on a Saturday morning feeling a bit under the weather from the beers I drank last night and the wee hour I decided to rise. FedEx decided to deliver on a Saturday so I am sitting here with every door in the building open hoping they don't breeze by and mark as 'business closed'. Your video is good company in a quiet building. Stay well my friend!

Marc B

Mat, I know you hate praise but your videos are keeping me sane right now. Even re-watching the old ones and I love the CatchUps mainly because I'm also at a loss with the bizarre modern world so glad to hear I'm not alone! Stay well and keep posting anything you want. It's why us Patreons support you :-)


I think we’re keeping each other sane - or at least we think we are. I’m glad to have someone to share these things with. Without this outlet it would be very difficult.