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Video version of the April Patreon-only update.

Week 297 of lockdown and the cracks are stating to show.



Techmoan Video Oddcast April 2020

Week 297 of lockdown and the cracks are stating to show.



That faking steps meter. Here in China some companies issued a policy for employees to exercise, eg minimum steps per week or something. Even some companies said there would be penalties for not reaching the step goal. So this was a natural product development in China ;) :D


I'm slowly working my way back through some of your older updates, and really enjoying them. I'm glad someone else had already given you the name for thumb screws, and also pleased you were thinking about getting some measuring calipers. We have a nice digital one, and although they're not something I use very often, they are nice to have, and you'll figure out extra things you can use them for, like checking the tread depth on your tyres. I was also delighted to see your Spectrum Next. I also have one. Like you I grew up with a classic Spectrum in the UK. I'm actually a bit glad that it's a thing you got for yourself rather than to make a video about—not everything needs to be a video project and thus work. I hope at some point you get to play around with it. I've found mine rather fun, not least because there is such a devoted community surrounding it, which helps to transform it from being just a thing to being a bit more than that. FWIW, as you probably know, they have another kickstarter going on right now. I'll probably buy another just so that I have a spare if something breaks on the first one. That said, although I think ZX Spectrum-related stuff doesn't have to be make-a-video work, I will note that the Microdrive cartridge system for the ZX spectrum is a continuous-loop tape system! And old cartridges still work, but need refelting.


Unfortunately my Spectrum Next is still in the box, I’ve realised I just don’t have the time to devote to it. Same goes for the C64 (both sizes) and all mini consoles I bought over the last few years. I start off with the best of intentions, but then reality hits. It’s like my rack of unwatched movies and my box of unlistened records. All things I’d like to get to... You’ve reminded me that I didn’t buy those measuring callipers though, so I’m going to get on that now. Better to get them before I next need to use them.