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 - Day 10 (Orlando)

- Day10 (Roswell)


For those that may have noticed the previous poll and for whatever reason missed the bolded part of that post, the poll wasn't for who to work on in what order, it was the starting point on the cycle. As such Orlando and Roswell were next up after Tyson and Dean, which means Hoss is next followed by Sal.

You might also notice that I've put OST on that list. And yup, the game now for the most part has its own soundtrack. Big thanks again to Civ Valian who has been doing a bunch of work to pull it away from just using free stuff found online. While I would've liked to have this integrated when I had the UI ready, this was just a nice way to fix an audio bug which, to this day, I still have no idea what caused it and why it persisted.

If there is an error screen pertaining to not knowing where certain audio files are at any point during your playtime, just ignore it and it'll self-fix itself.

PC: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g9tzq4y5o4j3u2z/PASSWORD-a0.19-pc.zip?dl=0

Mac: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k89mkeiywep0yzh/PASSWORD-a0.19-mac.zip?dl=0

Mobile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nhk7f29mbvt4hfm/password.demo.patron-190-universal-release.apk?dl=0


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