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What's in this update? 

- Day 10 (Hoss)
- Day 11 (Alt.)

If you were paying attention to what I said a couple months ago about the fact that there were no more bad endings, enjoy this continuation of Day 11 when things don't quite pan out from the password. There are a few hidden bits of lore and junk scattered in there depending on your choices up until now, so have fun searching if you're wanting to face despair with the tragedy already taken place.

What's missing in this build? 

I still didn't get around to composing that track I wanted to, but all things considered that's not so bad given how much went into this update. If you're only playing Hoss's stuff, then it'll probably seem a little lacking compared to last month's. But if you go down the bad path, you're going to see there's a lot in the way of variance that I had to account for.

Grizz's Shoutout Corner! 

I had a bunch of people play test this one, mostly those in Diamond tier eager to get their hands on the build early once they knew what I was planning for this update. At this stage most of them that are active on the Discord server raised their hand for it so thanks to them!

Additionally, Nyzcait was awesome enough to draw something kickass as fan art on the server. He even went so far as to do it as a stream while I worked! If you wanna check out the speedpaint version of it, here you go:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl8yo_SKHZM 

Plan for next build! 

There's only one person left, and that's Sal. Expect his update to be a bit of a different path through this day for reasons that should be apparent by now. Maybe some new tracks, but otherwise the CGs are all ready for his update ahead of time which is nice. Plenty of time to start smashing out more of the new art assets with all the spare time I'll have.

PC: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nrowd6clnavzvsw/PASSWORD-a0.20-pc.zip?dl=0

Mac: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v66hz1oydix5t2o/PASSWORD-a0.20-mac.zip?dl=0

Mobile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mruoqre9tanv9e8/password.demo.patron-201-universal-release.apk?dl=0

EDIT: PC, MAC and Mobile versions have been patched for Typos and fixed a flag to make Dean's 2nd CG actually unlockable.



David G

Great update. It almost gives me another trauma, but I enjoyed it. Maybe you need to add a warning to this update saying that is need to disconnect your heart and play only with the brain. Great job as always Grizz. Password is still my favorite Visual Novel. Hugs.


Day 11 is playable if you didn't use the password.


Wow, day 11 was brutal! thank you!