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There have been an alarming amount of people that didn't get that this was posted on April fools, and assume that Basket and I were being serious about this being an actual this. This was just a joke. A break from working on our own stuff. No one's going on hiatus and this isn't going to be developed beyond this, so don't worry.

Hey guys! So as a few of you know, I've been discussing additional projects being picked up closer to when Password is done, something in the way of a sequel or something else entirely. That said, I've also said that writing the next update has been quite taxing and I needed a change of pace so I didn't lose even more sleep over the content you've come to expect from me.

So we have this. It's just a proof of concept, a few things will probably be misspelled and possibly break but again, proof of concept. I'd appreciate people giving me any feedback after they've played through the full thing, either in DMs or down below. But for the sake of my data being somewhat accurate, maybe leave anything incredibly 'spoilery' to DMs. I'll throw it up on itch.io tomorrow probably to get more feedback but I can only process so much in one day.

Basket, the creator of Tennis Ace and Civ, the excellent musician who does music for both of our visual novels gave this a test run for me just to make sure it didn't break. So big thanks to both of them for doing that for me, and be sure to check out their stuff as it's legit good work!

PC Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dfafx0smxs75pgl/ForeignAffairs-1.0-pc%20%281%29.zip?dl=0

Mac Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wf1onyaoqbt7ly0/ForeignAffairs-1.0-mac.zip?dl=0

Mobile Build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dlu91rmxbu99sn4/ForeignAffairs-1.0-android.apk?dl=0



That was interesting, I'll be honest though and say that the art was definitely not to my liking. I understand that the Tennis Ace developer has his own style and is a very talented artist. (Also I hear his VN is very good, but I haven't had a chance to play it yet.) And your art in Password isn't as refined as his, but I like your art in the VN and seeing your improvement during every update with every new CG. So I hope you don't begin outsourcing the art if or when you begin with a new VN.



Ly Lycanroc

I will say this new vn has a lot of potential to grow and I think with you and the developer of tennis ace working together it could be one of the best novels. So far I love this and I look forward to more progress on it. When the chance occurs I'll def pitch in a few dollars.


Exactly my thought. New Hoss was cool, but eh... I prefer Grizz’s style.


After playing the proof of concept i have at least some thoughts and observations that can perhaps come of use in case you would like to use as constructive growth and some are personal thoughts based on the play through. So far the story line introduction for the first day is very well written, albeit some misspells (but that is normal at this stage). Nevertheless the story and plot was engaging although in my personal opinion, somewhat long in some aspects of the story setting but, it added quite a bit of perspective to the characters. Pulling in information from the respective original VN's was also a good reference point and kept the story flowing and relatable; especially to those whom have played either. As far as the character designs go, maybe offer some changes to make it seem as it belongs to this project more as opposed to being taken from the other VN's maybe? Also in the fluidity of the the transitions there is great usage of the Hpunch from renpy and its built in resources so kudos to that. The few drawbacks I have seen so far are the context of implications of text in how it sometimes jumps from one character to another as being in terms of the "narrator". It took me a while to see what the implication was and was a bit lost there for a moment until i realized the intention of it. It is great but, maybe add a defining name to it so it is less of a guessing who is portraying / narrating their thoughts to the player (when the narrating went from Orlando to Kobayashi in the arcade transition scene as a reference point). Also, was the page up function disabled? I know its a demo work in progress but if I accidentally skipped a text then resorting to history every time was a bit tedious after a while, at least for me. No crashes or bugs in the game-play which was very nice. All things considered again, the story is very engaging so far with the script and the characters in a sense very relatable to most and from the other VN's as well. The animations very much on point as well as the current soundtrack and effects. I am hoping this project does continue and would very much like to back it when it happens.


Good but not enough coochie


Giving this a playthrough! I would recommend that you include some way to differentiate between English and Japanese within the text (e.g., separating Japanese dialogue [like this], using a different font color, etc.), since it's confusing when English is being spoken and when Japanese is!


Joke or not I was amused by it. Also I kinda want to see Dave and Yuuichi meet though.


That was April Fools...that was great...you should do more of these, I really like individual character development. It made me like Orlando even more, it seems every time I get more of him I like the dragon more, its nice. Can't get too much of that in main stories as they have a singular purpose with the story. Though I have to ask if this was set before or after the main story...I get the feeling of.....after?

The Mysterious M3tav0X

Played through and I have to say, this is really cute! Orlando and Hoss look really good in this style. I especially like the heavy emphasis on Hoss' more nerdy and adorkable tendencies that we haven't seen a lot of in PASSWORD. This was a nice little feel-good story, even if it isn't cannon to either game.


I fell for it... But still a prequel VN does sound interesting. Can't wait for your next project once PW is finished.


I also fell for it... I'm dumb and didn't realized it was posted for april fools lol. That has to be one of the most elaborate jokes dude, it was a very long story and I was really invested. You broke my heart btw. Still, that was fun and an amazing story, so thanks to you and Basket for taking the time to do something like this.


I thought it was absolutely amazing either way!

Remus Wolfram

Pity it was a joke, I grew very invested in the story and I wish it was a thing. Very well done for a joke project I have to say.

North Grizz

Well done with this one. It was a lot of fun to play through.


A very elaborate April Fools joke albeit a welcome one as it was a very enjoyable experience. It really is a pity that it is only a joke as it was easy to get enveloped in the world and characters and really shows a lot of potential.

David G

Foreign Affairs was too well build even if was only a April Fool's joke. Great work Grizz, Basket and Civ. I loved the game even if it’s only an April Fool's Project. I hope for a sequel some day in the hypothetical future even if for now the Project is considered finished. One can dream.