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- Day 6 (Sal & Hoss)
- Day 7 (Sal - Partial)
- Gallery

First implementation of the gallery in this build. Additionally, the prior issue of save incompatibility should be solved in this patch of it, but be mindful depending on where you saved.

PC: https://www.dropbox.com/s/myr8nz4qlbqwnh8/PASSWORD-a0.10-pc.zip?dl=0

MAC: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eor51uhvastou0n/PASSWORD-a0.10-mac.zip?dl=0

EDIT: Also, have a mobile build courtesy of Vanzohollen!

MOBILE:   http://www.mediafire.com/file/ky2x5vylb7o82ij/password.demo.a10-10-armeabi-v7a-release.apk/file

If you're liking how the game's going so far, feel free to stop by the community Discord!  https://discord.gg/CSuEPWt

And if you want updates on stuff on a different platform, feel free to follow @PasswordVN or use #PasswordVN if you make anything cool you want me to see! 



I'll be happy about this as an Android version. If it is not going to happen I am going to wait until I have a private pc or laptop. :)


Is there a way to contact the person who made the Android version? Since I can't seem to install it even tho the others versions worked flawlessly


I have 23gb of free space. I'll try to clear some of the cache and see if that works. Thanks already tho.


Nope, still doesn't work. Guess I'll have to change to PC version then


Yeah but I don't have my saves on there ^^" but the game isn't that big yet so it's no that big of a hassle :D


Hey Card, could you let me know what error you're getting when you try to install the Android version? Also what version of Android is your device running? I'm not getting any issues installing it on any of my devices.


I have absolutely no idea which death was more shocking, Sal's or Tyson's? Now I wonder how the others will decide how to leave this world.....


Thanks for the kind words Resbach, I'm just pitching in a little to try and help out (and hopefully I can find out what would cause the apk to not install). Hopefully not a disappointment but I'm not Dutch (or German).


It doesn't show any error message, it just says that the update could not be installed. I'm using a Android 9


Hmm, looks like it doesn't like upgrading from the old version to the new version because of the different signature. Uninstalling the old version before installing the new one will work, but you'll probably lose persistent data.


I use a Samsung Galaxy s9+ but I doubt that this will be of any use. Reinstalling isn't a problem tho since I only gone through like 3 routes yet. I play many VN's and never had a problem yet. I also noticed that this version has a different icon? Maybe it has something to do with that? Also the password input was kinda bugged so I'm actually a bit happy to have a reason to reinstall :D thanks for the help tho! Both of you ❤️


Reinstalling didn't work either, guess I'll wait for the next update ^^" you can contact me on telegram if you want since I'll be going to be now! Good night and thanks for the help @cardforcard


Um for updating do I need to delete the old folder and re-download or drag, drop, and replace will work?


That shouldn't be an issue, because the folder has a different name (the version number). Either way, though, it's probably better to delete or archive the old folder, since you probably won't need to play an older version anyway.