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So as we move closer and closer to shifting the resolution and quality of the assets up and up at some point we can start addressing issues that were brought up about the current batch.
Common lines were that they felt too flat or felt too stiff. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction. As we can see, this is still very much early days as I want to make sure that people are as on board as possible given the style change.
Feedback and comments about what you like and don't like are encouraged!




This looks amazing, much more lively and expressive than the previous ones. Very nicely done so far


I think the comments about stiffness and flatness are referring to the lack of body expression on the characters. We only get facial expression changes on the characters. The rest of their body is stiff as a board, unmoving, which would lead to the flat/stiff issue. I do approve the new style, but I also don't mind the current style either. But no matter what style you draw them, make them look and feel alive. They all look stoic from the neck down currently.


Flatness of the old style comes mostly from tshirts, dean looks like he's a wooden board with a t-shirt on.


I honestly didn't dislike them, I saw the flatness, but it wasn't terrible...but still, it's good to improve


pls dont change Ty sprite its good as it is


these are looking a lot more 3D! i like them.


I know it looks nice as it is just like how I love Dean's, even if the flat dimensions are rather pointed obvious, its just not terrible...but it's fine to improve right? Just don't make them unfamiliar, unrecognizable...bad 😄


so i have a windows laptop and i can't get the file to pop up for me. can some one help.

Marquise Pixley

Is there going to be a android version


The latest public build has a fan made android build available, attached to the post in the first comment I believe.