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As with previous months, releasing on the 15th seems to be going well. Granted, there are instances where I feel like I could be potentially pumping out more updates but we'll see how I track through this one. The update after next is looking to potentially be bigger through virtue of what it is, but at this stage we're too far out to know specifics.

Orlando's route is now written. 100% ready to go, proof-read aside, a week after the last build went up. What's currently planned is 3 CGs for his route, which I've begun sketching but we'll see how fast I smash through them. It shouldn't take too long, which assuming I finish way before the 15th of next month I'll start fleshing out Day 7 and release it at the same time. Or at the very least bring Day 7's content up a little bit to lead into the presumed bigger update of a0.12. Hopefully we'll have the reworked Day 1 integrated by then too, but I want to make sure the CGs are done before rolling it out just so it's consistent. All else fails, I'll just go back and polish up Day 2 and onward so we have the first set of routes all looking relatively good.

There's the added question of whether or not to move to 1080 resolution. Rocky has been fairly vocal in the benefits of this and I'm at the point where I essentially agree. At least after having worked on some of the revised Day 1 CGs, not being restricted to drawing stuff 1:1 for game resolution just means I can add more detail and overall it's just better than drawing with a size 3 brush. This one might have to be rolled out in parts, starting with the CGs (as they can be scaled down in-engine) and ending with maybe the GUI given how Ren'Py handles menu/choice positioning.

Character sprites in this regard follow the same 'problem' given the redos will be full body, including legs. As it stands though, Benson's sprite will likely be the first one to be seen in the new style, followed by Oz, and then potentially the rest of the cast all at the same time if I can get them done in any sort of reasonable time and they pass the testing phase. Stay tuned for when that happens, I'll make a point of announcing it on Discord when they're properly ready for scrutiny.

Seeking out a background artist has given us mixed results, mostly in the negative as far as finding someone that has a matching style but I'm still looking. The money is just going to sit there until we find someone that can do the task justice so don't worry about it going towards anything else unnecessary as such. Similar sort of situation with music, although I think I know of a composer I want to work with; just need to properly flesh out my music section of the design document and lock down what exactly it is I want.

Next up, merch. I'll probably go hit up Dyne at some point again and see what his sources were if he's willing to share. At the moment the top contenders are: Mug, Shirt, and one request for a body pillow (although the character wasn't specified). Dave plushes are... difficult, as any plush toy is, but there might be an avenue for it if the demand is high enough. Honestly I don't think the patronage is high enough to ensure it yet but we can keep the option in our back pocket until later (hell, I know I want a Dave plush at some point).

Forecasting into August, there might be some delay in the build that month at this stage due to RL stuff potentially happening but we're too far out to know. Given I work on a laptop, chances are I could still push out a build while I'm interstate, but there's every chance it won't even be an issue. At this stage however, November is going to be one where I'm pretty scarce in general but again, I'll keep you guys posted as I know more about that.


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