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So given that we now have randomly selected title screens, I've decided to start smashing out the rest of them. Or in other words, I got bored, had some inspiration, and made this. Nothing major as far as content, and I'll throw it in to the next build (in fact it's already in there). Just figured I'd share!




Neat. I wonder who's gonna get stabbed. How about making these kind of posts public? The patreon page is pure text except the header image, so maybe this is something nice to show off to general visitors.


I must've mis-clicked when I uploaded it right before turning in for the night; even early access wasn't turned on. But good call. This is now for public viewing, as will the others will be when they're done!


Oh... Oh man. Yeah, yeah that needs to happen.


Does this mean there is going to be one for the MC too? I'm mainly just curious to find out what he looks like and his species : D


There was! And I'll go upload it now. I knew I was forgetting to do something today.