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It's a great day for Robot Kittens. It's a great day for robots in general. We need an army of Robot Kittens to fix this stupid planet and make every day greater than it is without Robot Kittens.

I hope you've all had a nice June. I have enjoyed it thoroughly and spent a great deal of time biking and more biking and drawing and enjoying some beers. This is a "building" month for me, where I spend a lot of time creating with plans to release later in the year. Also being doing a load of behind the scenes nuts and bolts kinda stuff to keep everything running.

Got a new computer. Nothing exciting, but this one works. Robot Kitten Factory #2 is pretty much complete but I zoomed on past it and wrote issue #3. There are two pages attached to this post from issue 3. No release date yet, been tangeled up in a few things but they'll be out soon enough.

I'm starting on some marketing for the Robot Kitten Factory trilogy for the fall. You can now see the Robot Kitten Factory Sketchbook series on the website (RobotKittenFactory.com) and on Webtoons. The site is a work in progress and being built daily. I may be working with a small team on some other marketing components.

The other projects are all moving along slowly as well. I just do a bunch of things at once and then push them all through the system at the same time during the summer.

Just talked to a comic book store so it's possible I may be doing a signing in the fall, also some original artwork is planned. Got the drawing stuff humming along smoother than I expected.

Now that it's the end of the month I'll release a few more pages of art and writing and I hope you dig it. New Ethel pages coming out too, and Laser Bathysphere.  Enjoy the pictures! 




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