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As it turns out I had some more work done last year on Ethel the Cyborg Ninja 3 than I thought, and I dug it out and finished writing it over the weekend. Sometimes taking a break from a project is the best way to really finish it because the script turned out better when I re-imagined a few things.  Cosmic Death Brick joins the book and it is awesome.

Soooo, release update. There will be an Ethel 3 in 2021. Also, I was working on enlarging and reprinting the first two issues as a trilogy volume 1 ( with the third issue too) and now, not only will that happen, but it’ll also be a hardcover! It’s a fun series and a good hobby project , maybe it’ll do well enough to get a Netflix series. 😂

enjoy a few pages in progress (don’t mind the rough text), it all has to go through another round of work and finishing in Photoshop. Her tats aren’t in yet, I need to reference the original issue to remember them. Have another Robot Kitten Factory 2 page also. I’m moving much faster than I was before so thats good!

have a good day! More art inbound soon.




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