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How about some stuff to look at and read y'nz? Like usual, behind the scenes, there has been a lot going on. Take a look at three pieces of art:

1. Robot Kitten Factory issue #2, page 95% complete

2. Omega Ronin #1 sketch, page 10% complete

3. The Horrible Octopus (published 2020)


Ok, so the big news. After writing the first few chapters of Omega Ronin as a novel (again) I focused more ideas and went back to draw it AGAIN (version 6!) What changed? I'm getting faster. Also, there may still be a novel version? It's such a big story, why not both? (We'll see)

I wasn't able to draw as many comics in 2020, but worked on a bunch of coloring books and refined what I would call "a faster, lighter pen stroke." Omega Ronin is a tough book to start, really hard. Lots of characters, and a very complex universe that took like 20 pages to describe. It's more fun to dive into it visually, and I talked to a few artists about it but decided to tackle it with my faster pen work and I'm pretty happy with the first sketch results.

Instead of obsessing over every detail, I just dive in and carve out the page and start with simplified geometric backgrounds and work my way out from there. The design of Omega Ronin itself (himself? robot-self?) is still evolving, but the other characters and outfits (and the space station) are pretty much complete.

Additionally, I'm pretty comfortable releasing things in shorter bites digitally and in floppy prints, then compiling them into hardcovers when ironed out. Robot Kitten Factory paving the way for it. It's not out of the scope to see a 22-30 page first issue out this fall. Perhaps Laser Bathysphere will also get an art treatment, I'm pretty happy with the current workflow.

Robot Kitten Factory 2 & 3

As you can see above, RKF 2 is nearly complete. I'm taking my time with it and wrapping up the last few details. Issue 3 is written and being drawn. Same thing as Omega, I'm not obsessing over everything, but rather diving in and building out. It's supposed to be FUN after all :) On schedule for summer/fall releases.

Retromegatrex 2

I just approved the hardcover print of Retromegatrex #1, a collection of my older art from the 90s and early 2000s up to 2017. That inspired me to dig through a few folders of older art and I have way more than I expected.

Retromegatrex 2: 2018-2021 is happening, it'll include a ton of stop-and-start projects from the past few years, which sums up the past few years. The Horrible Octopus, CGR Infinity, Cosmic Death Brick Adventures, Manga Teacup Cherry Blossom, and a short original story. and more,

The original story picks up after the first issue, where Lord Karnage is searching for me on the Intergalactic Space Station. Hijinks happen. Robot Kittens and a few other characters join the cast of drunken wackadoos and it's silly, absurd, vulgar, offensive fun. Late fall release with Omega and the other big creative jobs.

That's all for now. It's hot and I'm drinking a beer and working on some Robot Kitten Factory 3 this evening. Stay cool and enjoy!

On the history and restoration side of things, we're looking to launch around 100 books in the fall. Too many to list, but some really cool stuff.




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