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*Immediate repost as the close date had not been established!*

Hello everyone!  Apologies for the delay in having these up and ready, Conqueror Drakus is quite a complex release!

A new suggestion system is in the works and will probably be ready for the next set of polls (October 2022) so please look forward to it! It will make it easier for me to managa the polls and pools, and also easier for you to suggest without the worry of having to repost your ideas in case they didn't win in an specific, please look forward to the announcement on this!

for now, lets get voting!

Oldanor, the Amerindian   Warrior by William Richard

Oldanor is the chosen one by the   Indians Tribes of Kikyli to protect the Temple from the grunts of Chaos   Order. A typical amerindian warrior with two tomahawks, tribal paints on his   naked torso, an indian headdress with magical feathers and a dreamcatcher   collar. His attacks is : Tomahawk in melee or to throw it and a little magic   to increase his dexterity and pace.

Malboro by Vuono

Malboros are large, green,   tentacled plant-like beings, with an anemone-like head and large mouths lined   with sharp teeth. often they have many eyes that are attached to tentacle   like appendages sprouting from the top of the creature. They use breath   attacks that inflict many different status effects.

Qion Machine 999 by James Marion

This Machine is part machine that   is also a 4 legged 2 armed (Centaur style) form that is made up of crystal.   The crystal powers the machine the machine keeps powering this crystal   mechanical abomination of sorts. Its tail is long and kicks up a big rail gun   on the end of it. The crystal also glows. Its head has a powerful laser gun   that is powered up on its top head right in the middle of the forehead where   the beam is charged. There is a spot with mean looking crystal eyes and its   mouth is huge as a mecha-jaw. And this is where the giant laser finally   shoots out its big mouth. The rest of the body is a crystal machine mech make   up of aekashics choosing.

King Khaos Medeor by James Marion

Medeor is from outer space and   demands subjugation. He has a bigger than average sized head that can lift a   crown out of this world. Medeor has the body of front legs that are like a   t-rexes legs, mean looking paw like hands with claws and his back legs are   that of an elephant and he, in general, is elephant in size. He has a slimy   upper torso with his arms hairy like a beast. He holds a huge grand scepter   that can generate a humungous blast.

Draegith the First Lich by James   Marion

This lich bound his being to   powerful armor that is intensely ornately detailed. The armor is gold,   silver, and Black with Red accents. The armor is over sized that is   disproportionate to the liches head which is all of the liches body, just the   head connected at the top of the grand armor grand enough for the king of   gods. He holds a long bone and metal staff with a gnarled hand at the top of   the staff. The skull is just a tiny bit disproportionate to the armor.

Overarch Sentinel Z by James Marion

This sentinel is a steampunk   cyberpunk fusion killing machine to Aekashics imagination.

Eldritch Abominable Doom by James   Marion

There has be Eldritch Ultimate.   Think of this as the ultimate version of a huge hulking SIX legged beast made   up of pure black Eldritch corruption and other magenta details and further   whatever is in the Eldritch design.

Diablo by Skymin

A demon king who rules over   creatures of the night and wears crimson red armor and a large black cape.   Has a skull design breastplate and shoulder pads of fallen foes. He fights   with a black and gold great sword whenever he's not incinerating his enemies   with fire. The inspired design has grey skin, but it could be red (to imply   fire heats his body up) or molten black with cracks of lava which could also   indicate his prowess with the fire element. Finally, only two demonic horns   are needed on the head, but feel free to choose the style you'd want. Attack   A: Swings giant sword. Attack B: Thrusts sword like a lance. Attack C: Slams   sword into the ground and instead brings his arms together to unleash a   powerful spell/long-range attack. Example below: https://nintendoeverything.com/wp-content/uploads/rpg-maker-fest/RPG-Maker-Fes_2016_09-29-16_014.jpg

Azure Dragon Seiryu by NikaraWorld

Seiryū is a large blue-green dragon   with a long tongue. His home is in the eastern sky. He spans seven of the   twenty-eight Chinese constellations, taking up one quarter of the entire sky.   The constellations which make up the horn and neck of the dragon are located   in Virgo. The constellation which makes up the chest of the dragon is located   in Libra. The constellations which make up his heart, belly, and tail are   located in Scorpius. The final constellation makes up his dung, and is   located in Sagittarius. Since you already have the White Tiger having the   Azure Dragon would be cool. (Description from   https://yokai.fandom.com/wiki/Seiry%C5%AB)

King Archial, The Forever King by   Vuono

archial transforms into a massive   demon finally showing his true form. his cape shifts into tattered bat like   wings. his weapon turns into a fiery demonic blade/polearm. his armor breaks   away to reveal the hulking beast hiding within, massive bull horns adorn his   lion like head. i think keeping to the color palette of the legendary knights   but giving him grey or black skin and keeping his long white beard but now   almost like a lions mane would be neat. maybe having tufts of white hair   along parts of the body.

The Minotaur, Black Sky by James   Marion

Black sky has all black fur with   grey skin. He is extremely bulky and muscular. He wields two gigantic   tomahawks that are too big for a normal man to wield. He has a bright red   nose ring, a bright red earring, bright red eyes, Medium Red Hooves, and   medium red claws / nails. His upper torso, not including his head, is all   dark brown, and human, with no black fur. He has a gold and black belt with a   deep dark violet loin cloth. The fur that he does have is long, jet black,   and thick. His hands have white wraps and that wrap around his palm. Black   Sky is massive and close in size to the previous "White Death"   Minotaur from early update cycles. His way oversized tomahawks have roc   (giant fantasy bird) feathers of white with green and feathers of white with   red.

The Minotaur, Sun Son by James   Marion

Sun Son wields a two handed polearm   that is with an absolutely huge rectangular hammer head that has a pyramid   shaped stake on the front side most meant for smashing. He has all light   light very light yellow short fur that is also dull in contrast to bright. He   has a single pauldron that has the end away from Sun Son's neck sticking out   far off the shoulder instead of rounding off on top of the arm. This pauldron   is a dark gray metal. He has a brown leather strap from the pauldron   stretching diagonally down to it's belt on Sun Son's front upper torso and   his back upper torso with the belt that is also brown trimmed in gold along   with a big black buckle. He wears spiked silver knuckles on the hand most in   front view. Sun Son has a silver bangle on his upper arm also on the arm in   view that is of a curly shape. He has a deep dark yellow skirt that looks   like its a tiny upgrade from a savage loin cloth. Sun Son has deep dark   yellow hooves. Sun Son is easily noticeably much taller than the previously   designed "White Death". He has the same amount of muscle but looks   less bulky for being so tall. Sun Son lacks any nose ring as typically seen   on bulls, but not Sun Son.

Anubis, God of the Dead by James   Marion

This uses two reference images   which are both of these links. https://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/eg/original/38.5_EGDP022863.jpg   and https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71d0gMh9U5L._AC_SX679_.jpg I want the   head of the original model except he has a few silver earrings like seen in   the 2nd image. I want Anubis about tall basketball player height or a little   higher 8" tall. I want him muscular like in the 2nd picture but with the   muscles on a taller body. I want the gold arm bangle from the first image and   the gold wrist bangle from the first image. I want him to hold a staff with   an upside down red and gold ankh . I would also like feet just like in the   2nd Anubis image I supplied. I want him with the skirt of the first Anubis   picture with no top like the second Anubis picture. I want Anubis to have   gold shin guards with little cobras on them like the 2nd Anubis photo has of   them. I want Anubis to have a brown body and a black head (but still the gold   around the ears) with glowing purple eyes. I want Anubis in a powerful stance   of Aekashics choosing.

Básin “Wildclaw” Hoffin, the ex   wild animal tamer by SiGxGiS

Since a young age, Básin has a   talent to tame wild animals through nonverbal communication and empathy.   After he was sold as a child, he escaped and started a life as a bandit known   as “Wildclaw” with a group of wild animals. He was defeated by the hero and   the local police force. A local famous circus director bought him free and   placed him in his circus as a wild animal tamer. Life was turning good but to   Básin’s dislike, the director mistreated the captured animals. After an   “incident” the director was found dead and Básin was nowhere to be found.   Feared to be blamed and send to death, he is now hiding in the nearby forests   and mountains with his animal companions. Appearance: Básin is a middle-aged   man with a little chin-beard and brown short hair. He wears a green-brown   flat cap, a grey shirt with brown jacket, brown jeans and black, long boots.   Around his hip he has a chain belt. As a weapon he uses his belt, which is   actually a Qilinbian (a type of metal chain whip) to defend himself and the   animals.

Midgardsormr, World Serpent by   James Marion

This monster slithers on a giant   long fat to thin tail that connects to a strong upper torso of a humanoid   body that is very very buff. It has a muscular big body with mean looking   long crooked red claws. It has blue big thick scales on its back with spikes   that same blue color are there that go all the way down to its tail. The tip   of its tail is a large spike and it's red. His chest down to its snake-like   underbelly is a finer scale pattern of a brown-yellow-gray in color. this   lizard face has spines at the back of its head creating a fan like shape of   spines to mark a strong head flap before its neck with white spines seen on a   lot of dragon heads. It has a long neck. It has a lizard face with a with   nasty sharp teeth and two big curly red horns coming out the side of it's   head. Its head and neck plus its scales resemble a dragon of sorts. It   breathes fire, its hands shoot out Souls of Midgar, and finally it can shoot   a strong blast out its mouth called the Midgar Cannon.

Ouroboros, the Double Dragon by   James Marion

This is a giant snake like dragon   which is two in one. One dragon is stuck in mid feast eating the snake   dragon, but the other dragon was two strong. The half that seems to do the   front work is in the front not eating any dragon snake but is the livelier   dragon. The back snake works like it's the back of one, not two, but one   dragon snake total. They now work together as a double dragon. The strong   half has grown a bit since the back half began eating it, although the front   half grew mostly in the front with a fearsome mouth that looks bigger and   more impressive than the smaller mouth underneath stuck in mid feast   swallowing the top dragon. It is said that it is all just the front dragon   and the back one has died, but got used to using the back dragon as part of   its self. The dragon is all gray white and black with the exception of it's   mouth, teeth, and eyes. The mouth has red in it, the teeth are yellow and the   eyes are green. The back dragon mid swallowing the other serpent dragon has   teeth that are green and its eyes are yellow. The dragons have feathered like   fins as well.

Quetzalcóatl, The Feathered Serpent   God by James Marion

A deep purple-Blue is this serpent   dragons main color that includes its back, sides and head. Although its   underbelly is a tan color with horizontal lines for creases in the top body   to the rest of the snake. The top is it's head with the top of its head in   the back fan out to two spikes making it look more like a dragon. The   Quetzalcóatl's nose to mouth tip result in a sharp one point mouth instead of   a box shaped mouth. It has two slits on the side for its nose. It has a red   mouth and all yellow eyes that appear in just slits along the top side of the   head in the middle. The Quetzalcóatl has one fairly wide and very long orange   horn that is most very wide at it's base then quickly comes to a medium   width. There near the base of the Quetzalcóatl's horn on its horn are two   horizontal stripes the same purple-Blue of the serpents body. Below the head   the top of the serpent's body is a wide part that is almost like a chest.   Where the "chest" shrinks in width (girth) it has two bone spikes   that look like they could be part of the rips, curved like rips popping out   of the Quetzalcóatl's side and colored like bone. Popping out of the very top   sides of the serpent's "chest" are feathered wings. The top of the   wings on the bend are a bright green, as you look down the wing the color   changes to a medium green green and on the tips of the wings are that   purple-Blue color seen predominantly on the back of the serpent's body. Below   the top wide part of the Quetzalcóatl right below the head is a long medium   thin tail (or rest of the serpent's body) that goes on very very long until   the tip that thins to a that tip very quickly at the end of the tail (end of   the serpent's body). The tan with the seam lines where the underside of the   snake continues all the way to the tip and on the sides of the tail (or   serpent's body) continues the purple-Blue scales all the way down to the tip.   The Quetzalcóatl shoots a strong electrical blast from its mouth.

Fallen God, Satanael by Zeth07

A humanoid creature with a size   similar to Crimson Knight Lucifer. Should have 6 wings, 3 demon 3 angel. 3   demon wings on their right and 3 angel wings on their left. The angel wings should   be black similar to Primal Demons appearance. The color palette should match   those based on the Eldritch Corruption and Darkness creatures.

The Kirin by James Marion

Basically this is a far eastern   mythological creature. I want Aekashics to make an Aekashics version of this   reference.   https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/Qilin-shaped_incense_burner_1_CAC.JPG/800px-Qilin-shaped_incense_burner_1_CAC.JPG   Have to admit this might look pretty cool if Aekashics draws it his way. I really   like the reptile-horse splice it has going on as seen in this drawn depiction   of one   https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/58/Qilin.svg/1280px-Qilin.svg.png   I would also like to add a fat orange horn on it that starts out straight like   a unicorn but does a swift curve upward a ninety degree turn. The horn has   two stripes two thirds down the horn that are blue-purple and a blue-purple   long tip at the tip end of the horn. The Kirin should also have small wings   that are more of a decoration of a small stubby wing straightened out with a   swirl inside it. The wings are also white. This wings could also be summed up   as a symbol for air that is wing shaped and white. Kirin has a gold mane,   swirly gold fur at the tip end of it's tail, and small tufts of gold fur on   all four ankles that waft backwards as it "gallops".

Gorgon, The Stone Maker Bovine by   James Marion

This is the bull version and not   the Medusa version. It's attack is supposed to turn people to stone. It looks   like a bull on steroids with bat wings, details on the color to come. It has   a body and head that is a quite low saturated in color and is medium bright   the hue with the hue being a green-blue. It has big bat wings where on the   back of the wings are red as are the special bone lines on the front of the   wings are red. Its wing's bottom is a deep rich blue that is not the solid   red (color of back of the wings and the wing bone lines in the front/bottom   of the wings). It has hooves that are orange-red much closer to red than orange.   It also has deep-red bull horns. Its eyes are bright-red without eye circles   inside the eye red but instead where the entire eye slots are bright red. The   mouth inside is of a bright-red. Its fluff on the back of the bull tail is   black instead of the muted-medium blue-green.

Shadow Zenith by KrimsonKatt

A vampire ballerina with a mouth   dripping blood, bloody wounds on her neck, has blue shoulder length hair, and   the vampire-ness spreading throughout her body starting from her neck. She is   wearing a white ball gown soaked with stains of blood and is wearing white   tights with golden ballerina heels. The ballgown eventually is ripped halfway   down, revealing the inner structure of the dress. She is in a stiff ballerina   pose, hands in the air and legs perfectly skiff. If you look closely her legs   are actually bonded together with a chain and so are her arms. This enemy is   the physical manifestation of Zenith's inner darkness, the fear of becoming a   vampire and her being forced to adhere to a role she's not comfortable with,   that of a dainty princess, in order to keep up public appearances. This boss   must be fought to unlock Zenith's ultimate class in the game Chronicles:   Meteorfall as part of Zenith's EX quest. Reference image:   https://imgur.com/gallery/GLEUvaa

Archfiend Asherah by Krimson Katt

A beautiful female demon with pale   white skin and long flowing blonde hair. Possesses glowing yellow eyes with   long lashes and is wearing black lipstick. She also possesses a curvy frame,   high heels built into her biology, and long red spiky nails. She wears no   clothes but is featureless, and is covered in dark purple tattoos across her   entire body. A single wing pultrudes out of her back, the black and white   flesh interlocking together like a helix before opening to create three long   arrow-like appendages resembling the shape of a wing. She is dancing on an   engraved pole, her special "Asherah Pole." She embodies the deadly   sin of lust, (obviously) and is the consort of Asmodeus, ex-demon king. Her   battle strategy involves sending her foes through a portal to erebus,   inflicting the X-Zone status. Unspeakable things are then done to them, and   once they emerge from the portal once more they are transfigured into   Asherah's loyal succubus slaves. The only strategy is to defeat Asherah   before she uses this attack too many times, which is easier said than done   when she spams blizzard every turn and counters every physical attack with a   instant death spell, not to mention her being able to inflict lust (an even   more portent charm) on all foes and use pink tornado, a powerful almighty   attack that can inflict charm. The only other way to defeat her is to seek   out an Asherah Ring, which protects against X-Zone, Lust, and Charm. Once you   have that you have little to fear. Here is an image for reference:   https://imgur.com/gallery/OoGAoFe

Archfiend Belphegor by KrimsonKatt

A large blue slug-like creature   sitting on a giant mechanical throne. Possesses four stubby clawed arms   leisurely slouched over and possesses a toothy grin with rows of sharp teeth   and two large fangs. Has two yellow eyes looking upwards in glee with red   pupils, and also possesses four head appendages which peter out into wings. A   tiny crown rests on his head and his mouth has a clear purple outline on his   lips. The throne he is sitting on is floating in the air on a spherical metal   orb. The orb is dark grayish-blue and on it's sides 5 red glowing circles can   be spotted. The throne is gray and possesses 4 red spikes pointing upwards on   each end. This demon is the weakest of the archfiends and embodies the deadly   sin of sloth. He possesses the unique ability to change his elemental   weaknesses and resistances on the fly, causing any of his challengers to be   fast on their feet if they ever hope to defend him. Hit the wrong element   just once, and it spells instead death through a powerful counter attack!   However, the elements he cycles through are set, so once you know the pattern   let it loose and destroy him! Here is an image for reference:   https://imgur.com/gallery/0G3kFms

Creator Barbello by KrimsonKatt

The creator of the Great Tree   Cosmology and a celestial being beyond normal reality, existing in a higher   plane of existence along with her fellow celestials. Appears as a beautiful   fairy-like cat girl with long light brown hair, green eyes, and fair skin   wearing a black and gold turtleneck leotard, a white miniskirt below the   leotard, brown semi-opaque tights, black and gold thigh high heeled boots,   and skin-tight black and gold opera gloves. She also possesses shining golden   fairy wings and a sly smile. Also has a very large rear, a perfect hourglass   figure, and decently sized breasts. Here is an image:   https://imgur.com/gallery/F5NlaBw


The ruler of the entire omniverse   and supreme creator, the king of all of existence and ultimate supreme being.   He exists in all possible timelines, worlds, and dimensions, waiting until   the day where this existence ends and a new, perfect one begins. He is light   and goodness incarnate, and cannot tolerate evil. While he is a genderless,   omnipotent, transcendent being, he identifies as male and his physical form   appears as a beautiful androgious man with both male and female traits   shining with incredibly strong light and possessing hundreds of massive   shining gold wings. Has infinite power and stats so high that he could easily   destroy all of existence with a flick of his wrist. HP: 33,000,000,000, AP:   Infinite, STR: 333,000 DEF 133,000 INT: 333,000, WIS: 133,000, SPD: 512,000   SKL: 512,000



Nice, I'll look forward to that new suggestion system! One of these months I'll actually start using it lol.

James Marion

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