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As the old saying goes, the same as Librarium Animated, but for statics!

Lets take a look and get voting!

Greek Mythology Heroes by William Richard

Odysseus or Ulysses, the Ithaca   king, brown-haired man with a beard witness of his long way back home. His   weapon is his bow. - Achilles, the quasi-invicible warrior. Dressed as a   Spartan Hoplite with a shield, a spear, a breast plate, a spartan helmet and   a sword at his belt. An offensive posture to underline his willing to fight   for win - Heracles or Hercule. Tall shirtless muscular man, his pride of   himself can be seen in his stature. He is armed with a mace and wears the   Nemean Lion relic around his shoulders as a trophy.

Aekashics Cinematic Universe II   Creatures by William RICHARD

As Marvel and DC, it is time for   our favorite artist to start its own cinematic universe based on a battle   between a superhero league and an evil alliance. For this second batch, we need   to create 3 characters : the human rich boy with his mechanical super outfit   - the scientist who failed his experiments and become half monster / half   human - the evil main warrior which in charge of the dirty work that the main   villain does not want to do. Descriptions are voluntarily vague to let the   creativity of Aekashics do the magic.

Rocs by James Marion

These are very giant birds that   come in various colors with rigid beaks and are all multi colored unless its   the brown roc. The brown roc is the largest roc and can be up to twice the   size of the multicolored ones. Some call the brown roc "the bird   dragon" because so much glory is reached after slaying such a beast.   "I was never more terrified than when I faced a brown roc and I have   faced many a beast"

Wild Animals by David Lafuente   Cestero

any type of animal in a wilder   version of it. They could be sorted by biomes and would make the game's   enemies more varied. By wild version I mean the example of a boar compared to   a pig or a cockatrice compared to a chicken. Not too dangerous but   threatening.

Wights by James Marion

These are like wraiths but they are   glowing and wear full chainmail, steel boots, leather gloves, a tabard with a   nasty symbol, and have a skeleton face with skin on it and no nose. Finally   it also wears a helmet, some with horns, other with a jagged shape. The   helmet and the armor is open to some changes. They have a strong eerie yellow   energy glow that stretches out and has strings of energy creating loops.   Three of these guys, each different in some fashion is what this suggestion   allows for if picked.

Assorted Walking Reptiles by James   Marion

This features three reptiles: a fantasy Salamander, a Colossal   Fat Crocodile, and an enormous Kimodo Lizard with slobber. NUMBER 1_The   fantasy Salamander's needs the most explaining and the whole main color of   the Salamander is a red that leans toward orange. The Salamander's tail is on   fire and the rest of its body is not. The Salamander has a pretty long tail..   The salamander has black striped down its body and big big green blade scales   pointing up going down the center of it's back. The Salamander also has green   eyes. The black stripes on the Salamander thin to a point upon reaching one   of the green blade scales that point up and the stripes fatten to their   maximum length near the sides of the Salamander and around the belly which   probably can't been seen. NUMBER 2_ The colossal Crocodile is colossal, and   its on the wide side even its head. The Crocodile from All Dogs go to Heaven   is a good example of proportions. It's colored like a crocodile would be, but   remember this thing is colossal. NUMBER 3_ The enormous Kimodo Lizard (Kimodo   Dragon is its scientific name) is enormous and not quite large enough to be colossal.   You can see the drooling slobber on this Kimodo Lizard (Dragon instead for   the scientific name not recognizing the confusion when not a real Fantasy   Dragon and thus I don't think should be named Kimodo Dragon but Kimodo Lizard   or Kimodo Dragon Lizard) because what intimidates me about Kimodo Lizard   Dragons are their deadly bacterial bite in their slobber and their teeth   letting in the potent bacteria. Picking the Assorted Walking Reptiles will   give use the Fantasy Salamander, the Colossal Crocodile, and the Drooling   Kimodo Lizard Dragon (or titled Kimodo Lizard since it's not a Dragon in the   fantasy world)

Elemental Cards by
幽 周

There are many elemental creatures   in the asset. I want to have cards corresponding to each basic element,   including the front and back. Different element cards have their own badges,   and there are some differences in color and pattern.

Seven Virtues II by Zeth07

The creatures for the virtues of   Humility, Kindness, Patience, and Temperance. I know it says 3 per but there   would be 1 left. Hair colors not used by the previous ones that could be   included: light blue, blond, brown, black, light pink, more red (the other is   really orange), light purple. Maybe some have a male appearance? Unless all   of them are planned to be female in appearance.

Town Guards by Ryuu TheDrake

Pack of generic town guard with   spear and maybe one of then little bit different to be Captain Guard.

Assorted Super Stallions and Mare

This would have three horses. A   Pegasus that is very very light-blue with a white saddle and gold trimmings.   A wild unicorn. The unicorn from Kadakowa isn't enough for me, because a   unicorn is to be all and I mean all white. The unicorn's horn sparkles and   its mane looks like it was brushed flat. The last one is my favorite a   nightmare. If it's a pun its more of a mare that a stallion however this   horse is entirely, ENTIRELY black with the exception of it's fire mane and is   red eye corneas. The nightmare also has a fiery stomp that sets the ground   ablaze. The nightmare is immune to fire and cannot catch fire except for it's   mane and possible hooves but that is more like wearing and wielding fire than   catching on fire.

Assorted Monsters Part 1 by   KrimsonKatt

Swamp Thing: A humanoid creature   made out of green swamp sludge. Mindflayer: A humanoid wizard with an octopus   face wielding a staff with the ability to drain knowledge from others. Has a   long collar. Aberration: A eel-like underwater creator with a circular mouth,   a long tongue, and two fins. Also glows in the dark.

Assorted Monsters Part 2 by   KrimsonKatt

Young Mothman: A cute little moth   creature who looks like a blueish-gray furry bean with moth wings, circular   beady red eyes, a cute, long mouth, and two antennae. Is kinda derpy looking   and looks a bit like this: https://imgur.com/a/Y4unhde Faust: Evil alchemist   using shadowy energy with messy gray hair and wearing renaissance era   clothing. Forneus: Manta ray-like demon who is made out of accursed water.

 Assorted Monsters Part 3 by   KrimsonKatt

Toxic Slime: a dark green colored   slime that looks like sludge with a ghost-like mouth and eyes. Toilet Hand: A   grasping zombie hand reaching out of a toilet. Inspired by The Legend of   Zelda. Shape Shifter: Blue jelly-like creature resembling a crude clay human   doll from ancient times

Dinosaurs Part 1 by KrimsonKatt

Flying dinosaur. Looks like the   Pokemon Aerodactyl. Triceratops: A dinosaur with a triangular head and three   horns. Brontosaurus: A massive dinosaur with a very long neck. Looks like a   fusion of a giraffe and a camel with a reptile coat of paint.

Dinosaurs Part 2 by KrimsonKatt

Ankylosaurus: A dinosaur with a   spiky back and a large spiky tail similar to a morning star mace.   Velociraptor: A bipedal dinosaur that can run incredibly fast with a furry   mane and sharp claws. Is an excellent hunter. Megalodon: A gigantic oceanic   dinosaur that likely inspired stories of sea creatures.

Warriors of Japan by KJrimsonKatt

Samurai: A typical samurai with red   armor wielding a katana. Ninja: A typical ninja wielding a large shuriken and   wearing a full black ninja outfit including a ninja mask. Monk: A buddhist   monk type fighter who has prayer beads in one hand and a fist ready to fight   in the other.

Legends of Japan by KrimsonKatt

Shogun: An evolved form of a   Samurai who now rides on horseback with much fancier armor, a cape, and a   fancy naginata instead of a katana. Genji: The evolved form of a ninja who   now possesses golden armor pieces along with the black ninja suit and duel   wields shadowy katana. Looks like the dread fighter class from Fire Emblem   Echoes. Here is an image: https://imgur.com/a/4grdw2C Sensei: The evolved   form of a monk who is in a constant state of meditation. Wears simple white   pants with a golden trim and is completely shirtless. Wears one of those   triangle hats and summons multiple phantasmal fists to fight for him while he   meditates.

Minions of Ultima Weapon

Ultimus Charger: A gray and blue   eldritch boar with gigantic blue horns and many eyes. Ultimus Golem: A gray   and blue golem with many eyes and one large horn sticking out of its head.   Ultimus Wolf: A gray and blue wolf-like creature with many gray horns   sticking out backwards from its neck instead of a mane, a single blue horn   sticking out of its head, and many yellow eyes.

Bunny Girls by KrimsonKatt

A beautiful woman dressed in a   shiny red leotard with light brown semi opaque tights, shiny red high heels,   and shiny red opera gloves. Possesses Red Bunny ears and a white fluffy   powder puff tail. They also have long brown hair and wields a single silver   dagger. Blue Bunny: A beautiful woman dressed in a shiny blue leotard with   white semi opaque tights, shiny blue heels, and shiny blue opera gloves.   Possesses blue Bunny ears and a white fluffy powder puff tail. They also have   short blonde hair and wield a katana. Black Bunny: A beautiful woman dressed   in a shiny black leotard, black thigh high heeled boots, and shiny black   opera gloves. Possesses black Bunny ears and a white fluffy powder puff tail.   They also have white hair tied into twintails and wields a large club.

Buried Alive and Dead Hand by   KrimsonKatt

: A horrific slug-like creature   with pale, sickly skin soaked in blood and rotting to its core, with   soulless, blood red eyes and a creepy extremely-wide smile. His neck is   extremely long and almost spine-like and his arms are replaced with white   mantis-like appendages. Here is an image: (TW: Gore)   https://imgur.com/gallery/vZBtXoJ Dead Hand: He also has various hands that   pop out of the ground, which are almost as creepy and unsettling due to not   having one, but two joints for the arm. They have the same shade of   sickly-white skin as their father and possess long red claws. Here is an   image: https://imgur.com/gallery/HVwBIIj

Warrior Shades Part 2 by   KrimsonKatt

Pale Rider: A tribal-looking shade with pure white skin and   possessing a shadowy aura. Rides on horseback on the back of a skeletal horse   and wields a bow that possesses multiple elements. (fire, ice, and thunder)   Is male. Death Remnant: An assassin with pure white skin and tattoos on both   arms. Possesses short but spiky red hair and wears a bandanna, a sleeveless   jacket, and baggy pants. Dual wields cursed shadow daggers with glowing red   engravings. Is male. Sword Brothers: Two brothers with pure white skin, one   wielding a greatsword and the other wielding a great axe. Both are bonded   together by an orb that both their legs are attached to as they are founded   around.

Wardens of Hell by KrimsonKatt

Scarlamone: An undead quadrupedal   beast with long yellow horns, brown skin, and a skull for a face. Inspired by   the enemy from Final Fantasy IV. Cagnazzo: A blue turtle with a human face   and hands. Cansummon whirlpools to destroy its foes. Inspired by the enemy   from Final Fantasy IV. Barbarica: A beautiful female demon with long blond   hair wearing a bikini and resting within a tornado. Inspired by the enemy   from Final Fantasy IV. Rubicante: A male demon with red skin wearing a cloak   made out of fire. Inspired by the enemy from Final Fantasy IV.

Elemental Wolves 2019 Update by     BlueDragon

it would be cool if the Elemental   Wolves from the January 2019   pack were updated. Their models   could be made larger to incorporate more   detail.

Ancestral Demons II by Rodolfo     Silva

#4 - Mountain Demon: She is a   giant   female demon, by far the largest among the demons, she is   round shaped so fat   she is. Her body is covered by pieces of rock   and your skin is green. #5 -   Thunder Demon: He is capable of   creating storms and shooting extremely   powerful lightning bolts.   He is bipedal, has blue skin, strong body and wears   armor. #6 -   Water Demon: She has the power to control and breathe underwater,     plus nothing faster than any creature. She has the appearance of   a naga and   her hair is a kind of tentacles, her skin is all blue.

Hell Classics I by James Marion

1.) **Gog** - this is a classic     demon that I like who throws fireballs as seen here with gold   skin and a   fireball   static.wikia.nocookie.net/mightandmagic/images/0/03/Gog.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/176?cb=20200805225406&path-prefix=en   ... There is also   the Gog's strongest version known as the Magog which can be   done   in Hell Classics II if we get that far. Here is a Magog in red   static.wikia.nocookie.net/mightandmagic/images/9/90/Magog_render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/157?cb=20200805225534&path-prefix=en   2) **Pit Fiend** -   This is a powerful demon type found in Hell's pits. I   personally   like the task master version that uses a whip (at least in one     hand). Here's a picture of a "taskmaster" whip style   Pit Fiend   (NOTE: it has no wings sometimes pit fiends also there   is an upgraded version   called the Pit Lord, could be seen in Hell   Classics II if we get that far   into these and are selected by   voting). This first one carries the whip idea   as so heroes.thelazy.net/index.php/Pit_Fiend_and_Pit_Lord ... Here is one   with   wings as so mightandmagic.fandom.com/wiki/Pit_fiend_(H5) ... Here's   another   with charred wings as so ...   mightandmagic.fandom.com/wiki/Pit_fiend_(H6)?file=Pit_fiend_H6_artwork.jpg   ... Ultimately the   classic pit fiend will look like how Aekashics decides to   design   it if this is voted through 3) **Hell Hound** This is simply a dog     from Hell. I prefer they breathe fire and have whatever necessary   to make   them a Hell Hounds. Would Aekashics make a skinny Hell   Hound, an average size   dog one, a big dog that may be built in   muscle, a fat one? I will be pleased   to what ever he chooses.   Here's a picture of a Hell Hound from Heroes of   Might and Magic   VI   mightandmagic.fandom.com/wiki/Hell_hound_(H6)?file=Hell_hound_H6_artwork.jpg   $$$$$Special Bonus   Option$$$$$ *********DEMON STONE GOLEM********* I can't   call this   idea a "classic" known hell creature, but Aekashics can     choose this Demon Stone Golem to swap out any of the first 3   Classics for   this New Age Hell Creature, the Demon Stone Golem.   Inspiration from how it   sounds. With the Runic Stone Golem I have   no clue how Aekashics would draw   this Newbie the Demon Stone   Golem, but I am excited to see what if this is   selected.


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