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Hello Librarians!

Today we see the release for Naga Warriors I !

Are your heroes ready for combat? :D

Librarium Blog!

Hello and good night everyone!

Two more full releases and we will complete the June 2022 rewards, exciting times!

I really have been pushing the accelerator on the production of our assets, but it is true one can only speed up to a certain extent when aiming to keep a quality standard!

Regardless work will continue and you will keep seeing releases being pumped out, with delays to the roadmaps or not! Here is today's rundown of annoucnements!:

  • Yesterday I made another update to the Librarium Tileset so make sure you grab it as well! The HubTown update  revamp is going quite well and I am learning a lot of things that will make the upcoming areas and regions even better!
  • Tomorrow I will be making the September 2022 Polls, thanks for your participation in the August 2022 polls and for your suggestions for the upcoming September polls we have a lot of suggestions so I will figure out a way so that everyone who participated sees a share in that poll!

See you on the next post soon!

Dragon DL:


Minotaur+Whisp DL:




Slime DL:

AVailable in the post attachment section!

Dragons and Minotaurs, don't forget to check out the Librarium Sample Project and Librarium Tileset Megathreads to explore all the benefits of your pledge tiers! :D




Hello. You haven't posted for two days. What is going on? Where are the september polls? And about those polls, I have a good idea about how to handle those. Maybe you could separate each person's suggestions into separate polls and then pick the top rated one from each poll? It would work kinda like this: Statics Poll #1 - Person who posted the most suggestions for librarium statics. Only the top one is picked from this poll. Statics Poll #2 - Person who posted the second most suggestions for librarium statics. Only the top one is picked from this poll. Statics Poll #3 - Anyone else who's suggestions weren't the highest or second highest number of librarium statics suggested. The top two are picked from this poll. Animated Poll #1 - Person who posted the most suggestions for librarium animted. Only the top one is picked from this poll Animated Poll #2 - Person who posted the second most suggestions for librarium animated. Only the top one is picked from this poll Animated Poll #3 - Anyone else who's suggestions weren't the highest or second highest number of librarium animated suggested. The top 2 are picked from this poll. This ensures that something from everyone is posted and that certain suggestions don't get completely left out due to size limitations on polls. I really hope you impliment this feature before the september polls roll around because me and James Marion have a TON of suggestions and it would be a shame if some of our suggestions were left out!


Hello Krimsonkatt! What goes on is that as you can imagine Conqueror Dragon Drakus is a massive effort so i have been still working on that release but it is not ready yet ! Hopefully our community will see that release early in the morning tomorrow however ! As for your suggestion thank you ! I appreciate it! However one of the reasons why we only have two polls now is becase 4 polls in the past was already too complex to manage, there's also a new suggestion system in the works but it wont be ready just yet! For now and moving forward I will continue to ensure everyone who suggested monsters appears on the polls , but as slots get taken up those who made several suggestions won't see all of their suggestions up as everyone who makes one suggestion gets guaranteed at least one slot, in the end its not truly being left out because suggestions can always be resubmitted, and in the New system that will not be necessary either, our community will no longer have to resubmit their ideas when they dont make it to the existing slots or dont get enough votes for the next cut. Stay tuned for announcements on that!


Okay, got it. Good to know a new suggestion system is coming! And yeah, I imagine making Drakos animated is a ton of work. So the polls will be up tomorrow? If so that's great to hear.


I will pause Drakus and be making them now since we certainly can't waste more precious Poll running time! Expect to see them up in a few hours from now!