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Hello Librarians!

Today we see the release for Ancestral Demons I

Are your heroes ready for combat? :D

Librarium Blog!

Hello and good morning everyone!

Another release featuring some very large sprites that I hope you will find useful!

The weekend draws near, thus it is time to split efforts to update yet another section of the Librarium tileset! I really need to push the accelerator even further in the production of our full releases(though I have already been doign that, It's just that the July Releases are particularly challenging!) so the Librarium tileset update this weekend might not be as extensive as the previous week! 

Please look forward to more content as always and never hesitate to ask me if you have a question!

I also would like to announce that the awesome team over at VisuStella has created a channel for Librarium on their already existing server, if you're looking for a server to lurk or to say hi, you can find me there as well!

https://discord.com/invite/8a9RjBU  @ #Librarium !

Maybe at some point Librarium can host a server of our own? we will see! For now when it comes to Librarium my time, effort and energy is going into our full releases and the tileset updates!

For now, do drop by to say hi!

Don't forget to vote in our August 2022 polls!



Don't forget to suggest monster/character ideas to go into our next set of polls!


Dragon DL:


Minotaur+Whisp DL:




Slime DL:

Available in the post attachments section!

Dragons and Minotaurs, don't forget to check out the Librarium Sample Project and Librarium Tileset Megathreads to explore all the benefits of your pledge tiers! :D




Dude the one with the four arms and moon shape head is seriously cool. Like even as cool as monsters from oldschool really great games. The other ones too, but that one is one of my fav you have made that I have seen.


Please make your own discord. I'm banned on the visustella one since I have beef with Yanfly, so it would be great if you could have your own!


Anyone else getting errors when trying to claim the pack on itch.io? I seem to be having some issues with the Patreon integration authentication (contacted itch.io about it), just wanted to check if anyone else is experiencing it.


There def seems to be a bug recently, and particularly today! A fellow patron(Zeth07 ) contacted me and said they found a workaround by claiming it through their phone, so perhaps this could be a temp fix in the meantime! :(


Wow, that did actually work! Thanks for the heads-up, I'll make sure to let the itch.io guys know, maybe this will be of help to figure out the issue.


I am also having an issue claiming it. I have tried on both Chrome and Firefox but am still not able to find a way round it. I will try the phone thing next though to see if it works.