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I wanted to post these on Monday to start the week, as I'll also be posting a bunch of content (Such as the pending March battlers and spine animated pending battlers as well, along the update to the Librarium tileset) through this last week of April, but I figured we might as well startup these polls today!

As the new norm with these polls, the top 4 picks will be selected and produced as the April content, lets get voting!

Ghosts by Martijn Donker

Different types of ghosts (from still distinguishably human to "near-faded souls").

Corrupted Legendary Knights by Xecalion

Some kind of legendary knights corrupted by some king of dark magic thing or something like that

Animal ghosts by Martjn Donker

Ghost-like creatures for different "regular" animals, such as wolf, boar and bird.

Military soldiers by Xecalion

a commander, a soldier with gun, a soldier with a knife

Cryptids by NuwKong

Paranormal Bosses based off of the folklore cryptids like Bigfot, The Yeti, Mothman, Jersey Devil, Giant Octopus etc

KrimsonKatt's Assorted Monsters Part 4by Krimsonkatt

Swamp Thing: A humanoid creature made out of green swamp sludge. Mindflayer: A humanoid wizard with an octopus face wielding a staff with the ability to drain knowledge from others. Has a long collar. Abberation: A eel-like underwater creator with a circular mouth, a long tongue, and two fins. Also glows in the dark. Mothman: A cute little moth creature who looks like a blueish-grey furry bean with moth wings, circular beaty red eyes, a cute, long mouth, and two antenna. Is kinda derpy looking and looks a bit like this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/e/e0/Mothmanof.png/revision/latest?cb=20210912210516 Super Mothman: An evolved form of Mothman who is significantly more intimidating and scary. Looks a bit like this except with blue wings: https://www.figurerealm.com/userimages/customs/22500/22102-1.jpg

Eastern Warriors by KrimsonKatt

Samurai: A typical eastern samurai with red armor wielding a katana. Ninja: A typical eastern ninja wielding a large shuriken and wearing a full black ninja outfit including a ninja mask. Monk: A typical buddist monk type fighter who has prayer beads in one hand and a fist ready to fight in the other.

Eastern Legends by KrimsonKatt

Shogun: An evolved form of Samurai who now rides on horseback with much fancier armor, a cape, and a fancy naginata instead of a katana. Genji: The evolved form of a ninja who now possesses golden armor pieces along with the black ninja suit and duel wields shadowy katana. Looks like the dread fighter class from Fire Emblem Echoes. Here is an image: https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/9/9b/FESoV_Dread_Fighter.png Sensei: The evolved form of a monk who is in a constant state of meditation. Wears simple white pants with a golden trim and is completely shirtless. Wears one of those triangle hats and summons multiple phantasmal fists to fight for him while he meditates.

Warrior Shades Part 1 by KrimsonKatt

Pale Rider: A tribal-looking shade with pure white skin and possessing a shadowy aura. Rides on houseback on the back of a skeletal horse and wields a bow that possesses multiple elements. (fire, ice, and thunder) Failed Monarch: A hulking white suit of armor with a dark aura who wields a massive axe. His face is fully exposed and appears as a old man with souless eyes and sleek green, hair. Death Remnant: An assassin with pure white skin and tatoos on both arms. Possesses short but spiky red hair and wears a bandanna, a sleeveless jacket, and baggy pants. Dual wields cursed shadow daggers with glowing red engravings. Wind Orphan: A small girl with pure white skin and short curly green hair. Is wearing light armor with a green shade, a white miniskirt, and green high heeled boots. Wields a wind-based magical tome that's consumed in a mighty tempest. Azure Crow: A lady with short blue hair covering one eye and pure white skin. Wears a revealing blue backless dress and wields a thunder-based tome sparkling with electric energy.

Warrior Shades Part 2 by KrimsonKatt

Sword Brothers: Two brothers with pure white skin, one wielding a greatsword and the other wielding a great axe. Both are bonded together by an orb that both their legs are attached to as they founded around. Dark Priest: A priest wielding a staff of darkness and possessing pure white skin, his face melting off to reveal a black skull. Nightmare Witch: A stunningly beautiful witch with long flowing black hair and glowing yellow eyes. Possesses an icy tome that she uses to attack and wears a revealing black backless dressed adorned with many golden patterns. Soulless Beauty: A femboy who wields a blade made out of dark energy and is wearing a Black and red skin tight full body catsuit. Has pure white skin and glowing yellow eyes. Necromancer King: A necromancer with flowing black and purple robes an a brown turban covering his left eye. Wields a tome of ultimate darkness, Grimhala, and is the leader of the warrior shades serving the ghost of the fell dragon Adonis who after his death his spirit of him and his comrades were taken 7000 years back in time to serve the fell dragon's ghost who sought a new host to revive once again.

Everyday life hoodlums by Drowwpat

For more realistic games it would be nice to have some bullies/criminals that are regular humans.

assorted monsters part 3. By KrimsonKatt

5 more assorted monsters of various different types. These include Faust, Faust. (evil alchemist using shadowy energy with messy grey hair and wearing reissuance-era clothing.) Toxic Slime, (a dark green colored slime that looks like sludge with a ghost-like mouth and eyes) Toilet Hand, (a grasping zombie hand reaching out of a toilet. Inspired by The Legend of Zelda) Durga, (pale-skinned female horned humanoid wearing a black gothic-themed leotard with 6 arms each wielding a sword. Wears black lipstick.) and a Shape Shifter. (blue jelly-like creature resembling a crude clay human doll from ancient times)

SMT-Inspired Monsters Part 2 by KrimsonKatt

4 more monsters based on the Shin Megami Tensei series. These include King Frost, (fat version of jack frost wearing a fancy suit and a large golden crown) Oberon, (male fairy with butterfly wings wearing a fancy red suit and a golden crown and wielding a fancy rapier) Shiva, (6 armed blue skinned humanoid with each hand wielding a different weapon) and Forneus. (manta-ray like demon)

The Wardens of Hell by KrimsonKatt

This pack will include 4 battlers, each being one of the 4 wardens of hell from Dante's Inferno. These include Scarmiglione, Cagnazzo, Barbariccia, and Rubicante. Scarmiglione is a light brown undead boar/humanoid creature with a skull for a face and massive black horns, Cagnazzo is a blue turtle-like creature with a spiky shell and a human face with blank white eyes, Barbariccia is a humanoid woman with long flowing blonde hair and wearing a yellow leotard and a white short skirt riding a tornado, and Rubicante is a male grey-skinned humanoid with a cloak made of fire. Here are some images for reference: Scarmiglione: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/e/ee/Scarmiglione2_psp.png/revision/latest?cb=20121014001234Cagnazzo: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/d/d0/FFLTNS_Cagnazzo_Artwork.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20160924060304Barbariccia: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/2/2c/Barbariccia_PSP.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/200?cb=20121013195539Rubicante: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/ba/Rubicante_PSP.png/revision/latest?cb=20121014000022

Minions of Omega Weapon by KrimsonKatt

These are enemies who have been corrupted by omega weapon's influence. As a reference Omga Weapon looks like this: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjrFR0xUo5gIScG1VQlzuGSzEnw1ljKVJqTx6wnIMxhZz3Q6W2MXmjnDQIiZCU0RRt3nFrJ-2Rcbh-rC3KAi1ze45PV9_hl7yaUlQ9sBanbsaWSmBV5i1NL0E3C9l7f7jF9-U7YoyqVXwfmMsS-x1alGKyYgxGEQut4q3MvFBED5y-qTZj8l84Pns2B=s320The first enemy is the Omega Creation which is an red and black eldritch creature with no discernable form and many yellow eyes. It has a single led to stand on. The second enemy is the omega golem who is a red and black eldrich golem with many yellow eyes. Finally there is the omega homnid which is an red and black eldrich creature with many yellow eyes and long black hair and that becomes black tentecles. Has a single yellow eye on thier forehead and no other facial features.

Minions of ultima weapon by KrimsonKatt

These pack will include three creatures that were corrupted by ultima weapon's influence. First is the ultimus charger who appears as a grey and blue eldritch boar with gigantic blue horns and many eyes. Then there is the Ultimus Golem which is a grey and blue golem with many eyes and one large horn sticking out of its head. Finally there is the Ultimus Wolf who is a grey and blue wolf-like creature with many grey horns sticking out backwords from it's neck instead of a mane, a single blue horn sticking out of its head, and many yellow eyes.

Assorted Monsters 2 by KrimsonKatt

This pack includes 5 new assorted monsters that have not yet been seen in the librarium. The first is a great frog, who as the name suggests a gigantic frog/toad. Similar to the enemy from FFXII seen here: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy2/images/1/19/Kronenbiest_FFXII.png/revision/latest?cb=20140421160818&path-prefix=deThe second enemy is a storm hawk, which is as the name suggests a hawk-like enemy covered in a small tempest that can control the winds. It has a set of wings that grow out for form sharp wind blades instead of traditional feathered wings and possesses glowing green eyes. The third enemy is an adamantoise which are monsters in Final Fantasy that appear as absolutely gigantic turtle-like foes with incredibly high defense. Here is a picture of one: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/2/2c/FFXIII_enemy_Adamantoise.png/revision/latest?cb=20140220213643The forth enemy is a doomfly, a gigantic undead fly with 6 wings that has the ability to zombify your party members. Here is a picture for reference: (from Breath of Fire 2) https://lparchive.org/Breath-of-Fire-II/Update%2050/5-Breath_of_Fire_II_(USA)004.pngThe fifth and final enemy in this pack is a flesh golem which is as the name says a golem made out of flesh. The flesh that the golem is made out of is fresh (not rotted) and is a red/orange color. Also has flesh tendrils it creates to attack foes.

Assorted Demons by KrimsonKatt

This pack includes 5 battlers. First, the high incubus and high succubus. The incubus can be whatever you want but make sure it's distinctly masculine. (not a femboy) Then have the succubus wear an outfit similar to this but dark and evil: https://brightrockmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/angela-mysticqueen-528x1024.jpgNext battler is a lesser demon which is a skinny and lean demon that's kinda malnourished. It has dark green skin and possesses a jaw like an octopus. (think ultros from FF6) Has two massive arms/hands as big as it's body and fights slouched over. Next is Damorea, which is a demon that takes for the form of a bright dress with two massive eyes with large feminine eyelashes. It has the power to possess people by turning their shirts into another damora and then take control and reshape the host to their liking. Finally, there is the living doll, which is based on the "dark web living doll" creepypasta. They are dressed very revealingly wearing only a bikini and are completely emotionless, holding perfect smiles and blank, souless eyes at all times. They are covered in makeup and possess very large assets, also possessing incredibly strong psychic powers in service to their master.

Beastman Villagers and Warriors by KrimsonKattThis pack includes 5 battlers. Male and female beastman villager battlers, a beastman knight, a beastman holy knight/paladin, and a beastman holy knight/paladin general. Here are my concept designs for the male and female beastman villagers. (from xenoblade 2) Male: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/8/8d/Edgar.png/revision/latest?cb=20180324192705Female: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/f/f5/Gormotti_Female.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20180327223404The rest of the designs are fully up to you.

The Shinku Clan 1 by Nonvignon Prince-Donald HOUNNANKAN

It contains samurai from a clan known for their sense of duty and courage. First samurai: a female samurai with brown hair, wearing red Japanese armor and a mask of kitsune white & red. It is equipped with a long and golden Japanese sword. Second samurai: he is a well-built male samurai physically dressed as a helmet He is equipped with a black and serrated short Japanese sword. Third samurai: an old male samurai wearing a Kasa as a helmet and levitating in a sitting position. He is equipped with a long black Japanese sword. He is the head of the clan.

Persona 3 Inspired Battlers by KrimsonKatt

This pack will include human battlers losely based on Makoto Yuki, (protagonist) Junpei Iori, Akihiko, and Mitsuru Kurijo from the game Persona 3. Librarium Statics: Persona 3 Inspired Battlers Part 2 This pack will include human battlers losely based on Aigis, Elizabeth, Ken Amano, and Yukari from the game Persona 3. Librarium Statics: Persona 4 Inspired Battlers Part 1 This pack will include human battlers losely based on Yu Narukami, (protagonist) Youske Hanamura, Chie, and Yukiko Amagi from Persona 4. Librarium Statics: Persona 4 Inspired Battlers Part 2 This pack will include human battlers losely based on Kanji, Naoto, Rise, and Adachi from Persona 4. Librarium Statics: Persona 5 Inspired Battlers Part 1 This pack will include human battlers losely based on Ren Amana, (protagonist) Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana from Persona 5. Librarium Statics: Persona 5 Inspired Battlers Part 2 This pack will include human battlers losely based on Youske, Futaba Sakura, Haru, and Katsumi Yoshizawa from Persona 5. Librarium Statics: Persona Villain Inspired Battlers Part 3 This pack will include human battlers losely based on Aketchi (both forms) Maruki, and the first two members of Strega from the Persona series.

SMT-inspired Monsters by KrimsonKatt

This pack will include 5 monsters based on demons from the Shin Megami Tensei franchise. It will include jack frost (short imp-like frost humanoid and mascot of Atlus) Pixie, (tiny fairy with short brown hair wearing a blue leotard, long blue gloves, and blue high heeled boots.) Girimakhna, (Humanoid elephant demon wearing a lioncloth and a golden breastplate and welding a scimitar) Mara, (Original design is too NFSW, so instead it's an eggplant demon on a chariot with a lot of ghost tentacles coming out.) Matador, (bull fighter skeleton) and high pixie. (pixie with spiky silver hair and wearing silver and black armored bodysuit instead of a leotard.)

Assorted Yokai  by KrimsonKatt

A selection of five Yokai. A kappa, (blue goblin like creature with a bird-like beak and a bowl in its head carrying water along with hair that looks like a straw hat) a nekomata (firey cat demon with two firey tails) a parasol demon. (paper parasol with a single eye and large gaping mouth) a tengu, (red skinned humanoid who controls the wind using a massive fan) and a tanooki. (magical racoon who uses massive drums to attack.)

People of Color NPCS by Catpricorn Studios

would be nice to have more ethnic looks

Corrupted Farm animals! By BlueDragon

Creatures you would like to see within the pack: Corrupted Pigs, Sheep, Cows, Bulls maybe throw in some ducks and chickens? Could always use more corrupted creatures!



Making a Paranormal game and imma need those ghost homie


And I need most of the battlers I suggested for my own game, Meteo Chronicles. NuwKong's description was extremely brief and vague as well as poorly worded, so it's unlikely they'll actually get what they want. Plus, there are already like 20 ghost battlers in Librarium while we don't have a single Yokai for example in the over 10k battlers made. My suggestions are also super detailed with reference images, while NuwKong's description is unformatted and only contains a single sentence. "I want ghost battlers with human faces." Please, support my battlers over NuwKong's battlers, which is currently dominating the polls based solely on sympathy points.


yall out here tryin to sway public opinion and choice savage


I only did it because NueKong did it. And it seems like NeuKong won. Dominated with 19 votes while my highest got only 8. It's possible I won't get any this month even tho 75% of the listing is my suggestions.


We already have a yeti and kraken in Librarium. The cryptids one is redundant. Also, since it includes Mothman, it would remove my "Assorted Battlers 4" suggestion which includes the essential battlers of Swamp Thing and Mindflayer, mimdflayer especially as it is used in the next update of my game so I need it ASAP.


I would have liked a Mindflayer as well, although if I remember well, the creature itself is kinda copyrighted by wizards, so I'm not sure if there could be some issues in using them in game


Mindflayers are explicitly used in multiple final fantasy games without license. (FF1, FFXV, etc) This includes all remakes and stuff, such as the recent pixel remasters. Beholders were in FF1 as well, though that particular design was later rebranded as an "ahriman" and the design changed all future releases and remakes, which is still used to this day. Also, Stranger Things uses the names of multiple popular DnD monsters as its own monsters without license too, so this is actually pretty common. So while Wizards enforced their copyright a lot harder in the 80s and 90s with their original monsters, they have seemed to eased up a lot on that front. That might change with Hasbro's recent purchase of WotC, but I doubt it since Hasbro owns MLP and allows multiple PAID fan games and fan content to stay up without shutting them down. They're even more advant-garde when it comes to copyright than SEGA is. Finally, Librarium already used licensed DnD monsters such as the Owl Bear, so a doubt a few more would be a problem.


As in the past I'd be just taking the written description of what a people perceive as a mindflayer and draw based off that, not making any visual nod or inspiration from the copyrighted material, this is why instead of Beholders I drew "Gazers" a while back!


This is correct! Whenever I've received DnD inspired suggestions I basically work at a text level description of the monster and draw based off that, rather than taking references from the copyrighted WotC designs! The Primordial demon is a good example


also didnt realize this and removed the beholder from the suggestion box.


It's fine Vuono! There are several different ways to imagine and depict the concept of "Flying eyeball with tentacles which extend other eyes" without referencing or looking at any copyrighted material, you can add it again :)