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Hello and good night!

Feels weird to be typing after an intense past week where I've been using the PC pretty much just for drawing but here we are!

I am glad to announce the base designs for ALL what was pending for the base releases are complete and now available for download, This includes the winning picks for our most recent April 2022 poll!

Thanks for your immense patience in the journey through the production of these base designs!

Although I really wanted to cover even more ground than this for April, life threw a few curve balls as usual, I'll spare the details as you can probably imagine, but what's relevant here is that now we are fully up to date with designs (Thanks for all the amazing suggestions!) and with these complete I'll now proceed to start animating what is pending to receive the animated treatment! This animated output will be worked on these coming days and I will be updating

With the base designs complete here's what I'll be working on this month:

  • May 2022 Polls
  • Animated work for animated releases which still need it in the catch up bundle
  • FV sprites for the base designs in the catch up bundle which need it
  • Librarium Tileset Elemental Cavern new areas update (The ones which had been contemplated for April)
  • First batch of associated reward sets for all the content in the catch up bundle

In all likelyhood May 2022 content will be produced towards the end of the month as the April 2022 content was, but the poll will be the first thing comign next (Albeit I will wait 3 to 5 days in case anyone wants to list out new suggestions for our voting pools )

You can drop off creature and archetype suggestions here!


From now on it is a core priority to never fall behind with the base designs for each respective month ever again!

Again I want to say thank you to everyone here, I know I have put your patience to extreme limits and tests and I am grateful to still receive this opportunity and support from you. Please let the promise that the production of announced assets is guaranteed regardless of delays, that I won't take the easy way out by producing less assets, and that assets will always have 100% of my ability at the time going into them! I think with the April content we really are at a whole different quality tier than previous times, and I hope you will find that useful.

Thank you again!

See you during May 2022!

Since Box and Google drive upload speeds are being really slow for me right now I will be adding the March and April 2022 Statics to an attachment here on this post and I will update this post with the google and box link as soon as it is available! It will contain the PSD files for the new and older updates along the static base designs!


Box and google drive links!



Download it today!

EDIT #2:

Hello hope everyone is having a fun weekend! As mentioned in the outlined activity list I have been working on the FV sprites for the catchup bundle base designs, so far 23 new FV sprites for these designs have been completed, I figured this is a good number to post while I wrap up another bach of 25ish in coming days and post it up along the rest ASAP!

Download these today off the attachments at the bottom of this post!

Stay tuned for more!




Can you please organize uploads as months by folders and reupload. So that I can know which artwork added which month as new. Also this one doesnt have PSD files :(




Hello, The PSD files have been added in the Gdrive and Box links, I was having some issues with the upload speed last night! I will organize it in its respective month tier once the reward set content is completed!


You rock harder than most.

James Marion

where are the 4 directional sprites some of us have been waiting for a while


Hello James! As outlined I will create all the FVs first, here's a preview of a few i'm working on atm(with an older humanoid sprite for scale comparison), as you an see they are much higher quality than before, I plan to finish a huge batch of FV sprites for all the releases and update this post with them tomorrow at latest! https://gyazo.com/6d5ffa7b4220639337287f74cac17863 I can't say an accurate date given the bulk but I'm definitely working towards delivering ASAP with an acceptable level of quality , and i'll be updating this upload and notificacions regularly as these progress

James Marion

I'm so relieved to hear that. I'm pumped about these new ones. They look so good. I'll be waiting patiently from now on.


Nothing to complain about! Always looking forward to your new work!


Thank you very much James! I have posted up a new set of 23 FV map sprites which you can download today, I will be posting another set of 20ish in coming days!


Hey, when are the may polls going up? It's currently a week into May and we haven't gotten the polls up. Are those going up soon? Thanks!


Hello Krimson! With the production of the next sprite batch and some minor hiccups with health over the weekend I have settled on tomorrow as the post date for the polls, they will be going live this wednesday!


Awesome! Can't wait!