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I wanted to post these on Monday to start the week, as I'll also be posting a bunch of content (Such as the pending March battlers and spine animated pending battlers as well, along the update to the Librarium tileset) through this last week of April, but I figured we might as well startup these polls today!

As the new norm with these polls, the top 4 picks will be selected and produced as the April content, lets get voting!

Yukino The Winter Spirit by Ray

The last of the seasonal spirits I'm suggesting, in spirit of frosty Winter, the freezing cold season full of fluffy flurries of white snow, cloudy dark sky and slippery patches of ice. Yukino, the calm and serene, yet brutal and unforgiving to those who's unfortunate enough to cross her path. In an RPG, she would be the super strong rare encounter boss you'd come across while randomly walking in a snowy winter map. Appearance: A beatiful girl with pitch dark hair and skin as pale as snow, wearing a long white kimono (similar to this outfit https://www.wattpad.com/808706140-yuki-instagram-demon-slayer-%E2%9D%84%EF%B8%8F-post-1%E2%9D%84%EF%B8%8F). She's surrounded white snowflakes and has a floating blue crystal icicle.

General purpose Battler Template by Catpricorn Studios

I think having a simple humanoid form that has animations for the standard types of attacks could be really cool. Thing of it as the Polygons from Super Smash. A standard animated template that people could draw upon or photoshop the limbs and character look. Here is an example of an AI generated character that could easily be animated with some copy pasting and a working skeleton in Dragon Bones! https://www.artbreeder.com/i?k=efb1f59b0877e73b2d0261d0b27c

Sword and Shield Valkyrie Boss Warrior by MetaChaser

Valkyrie with Blue Armor and Yellowish Light Wings. Wields a Sword and Shield. Can Slash with Sword. Can Block with Shield or do a Shield Bash type movement, where the Shield is used offensively to hit the player. Flapping wings would be great also.

Shadow Zenith by Krimsonkatt

A vampire ballerina with a mouth dripping blood, bloody wounds on her neck, has blue sholder length hair, and the vampire-ness spreading throughout her body starting from her neck. She is wearing a white ballgown soaked with stains of blood and is wearing white tights with golden ballerina heels. The ballgown eventually is ripped halfway down, revealing in inner structure of the dress. She is in a stiff ballerina pose, hands in the air and legs perfectly skiff. If you look closely her legs are actually bonded together with a chain and so are her arms. This enemy is the physical manifestation of Zenith's inner darkness, the fear of becoming a vampire and her being forced to adhere to role she's not comfortable with, that of a princess, in order to keep up public appearances. This boss must be fought to unlock Zenith's ultimate class in the game Meteo Chronicles R as part of Zenith's EX quest. Reference image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjY1Xny1tC5s1HY24W50k9U5jN3cuurkCTnHtUGQKOBffleI6GBk4Tg4hEjvyh9kKGHEkJ7LpJr5eCS3URUcU5PTM4vp386RD_19B_RaRqIQghaxPZM9pkJiXkYH5llwCtgsQ4bko_3B7RUlcyPQvy81zgVw2xUk3ZbnnfD6MhcacgT9i5pQT_JrcsU/s320/BOSS%20Shadow%20Zenith.png

Vampire Kaiser Mathias by KrimsonKatt

The king of vampires who wears a grand black, golden and red fur-adorned cape. Possesses wild white hair, red eyes, and extremely pale skin. Is also wearing black and gold armor with him charging up a powerful dark spell with his left hand. Is very tall.

Zu, Great Beast of the Sky by KrimsonKatt

A gigantic bird with many rainbow colored wings and a large rainbow colored tail, possessing a light blue body. Was one of three great beasts, legendary creatures of tremendous size and power that spawned all other animals that currently exist today. Zu rules over the domain of sky, traveling across the ozone layer long ago, only occasionally feasting on elephants or whales every couple 100 years when diving down to the surface when no one was looking. When the Celestial Separation happened in 1111 AD and the worlds of magick and man where split apart, Zu went with the world of magick, not having been seen for nearly 1000 years until the Convergence happened in 2035 AD and the worlds of magick and man became combined once more, causing worldwide chaos.

Legendary Knight Ansellus

Considering how far you've come in making most of the other Legendary Knights animated already, it'd be cool to animate Ansellus to move and attack like "Doc Oct" from the Spiderman comics, only with 6 "arms" instead of 4 of course. To make him stand out, adding a beam laser as one of his animated attacks would be perfect in addition to the usual stab/swipe attacks.

Metatron the Ascended One by KrimsonKatt

A massive robotic humanoid angel with 6 mechanical wings, a metal face, and a highly advanced robotic humanoid body. Is light elemental.

Storm Rider by KrimsonKatt

A dragon/wyvern monster with a large yellow beard and 6 electric horns stretching across its back that possesses fans for wings and no legs, only a tail. Inspired by a specific boss from the game Kingdom Hearts II. A reference image can be found here: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/a/ae/StormRider.png/revision/latest?cb=20110824051125

Agni the She-Dragon by KrimsonKatt

A distinctly female fire dragon similar to the previous fire dragon battlers you did like the magma dragon battler.

Sensayu the Dragon of the Zodiac by KrimsonKatt

A massive golden dragon wearing golden armor and possessing 6 wings and a massive celestial sigil behind him.

Shadow Koros by KrimsonKatt

A half pink half blue demon with glowing pink eyes who's lower body is shaped like a massive ballgown. It's right hand is a gloves feminine arm while it possesses two left muscular clawed arms with large black claws. Two additional arms are in the middle binding a feminine figure with elf ears light brown skin and long blue hair. Here is a link to a sample image: https://rpgmaker.net/media/content/users/54801/locker/Shadow_Koros.png

Wukong 2.0 by Aaron Break

I would like Wukong Animated to be repaired or create a new Animated Wukong Battler. I think it would be nice if it made more fighters as allies.



I no longer stand behind my suggestion "Sensayu, Dragon of the Zodiac." I already got what I wanted with the battler "Millennium Zalharas." Please, unvote Sensayu and vote for one of my other suggestions, please.