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Hi all,

I'm afraid the game is still not ready. I've been working almost full time the past days on the AI and I have to say, it's not as easy as I thought it would be but I'm getting there.

Right now, the girls are able to roam in town, go to work and react to their new life parameters. However there are still some particular situations which trigger infinite loops in the AI, crashing the game and as you can expect it takes a lot of time to figure out why. I'm hoping to be finished soon with the AI, could be tomorrow or a few more days if new strange crashes appear, nothing certain at the moment.

Besides the current bugs, I also lost some time because I wanted the girls to react as best as possible in different situations. For example, girls will have to take bath depending on their new dirtiness parameter and will look for their home bathroom to do so. But for households with two girls, if both girls want to take their bath at the same time, one of them will have to wait. Yeah, I'm pushing it a bit far but I want to make it as logic as possible. There are a few similar events which slowed me down but I think I got most of them handled correctly now.

In the preview image, you can see the updated Status page which display a lot of new information to help players track their girls properly. If they are moving, their destination will be displayed too to let you anticipate their path. They will usually start reacting to their parameters around 90%

Being a player myself, I do understand the need to make the game as easy as possible and this update complicate the game quite a lot. I just thought of an important feature which would be nicely paired with this new AI : a tracking system. It would work pretty easily. In the status page, a new icon will let you track a girl (one at a time) and when you go back to travel, the girl icon will appear next to the exit leading to her location. I'm planning to add this unplanned feature for v0.13 because it'll be really helpful for beginners who do not know the city. 

I didn't forget the veteran players following my game for several months now who played and replayed my game. I'm adding a new cheat toggle in the options which will enable the two usual cheats : increase obedience and affection as well as enable a new convenient cheat : a teleport to the girl. With cheats enabled, clicking on the girl's image in her status will teleport the player instantly to the girl. I could extend this feature to a simple fast travel to the girl but since the girl might move herself during the time it takes you to go there, it might confuse some players, I'll need to figure a better solution (taxi and bus are still planned but work differently)

Finally,  I'm expecting a lot of bugs on release, mainly related to pathfinding  and events because there are a lot of girls, locations and events in the game and I can't humanly test it all by myself without spending hours. To cover this problem, I also added a new bug report feature in the game and some logs will now be generated when critical functions fail (such as a path between two locations not being found). With this, players will just have to send me the report log to help me debug things.

I'll also have to update the walkthrough because this update changes some trigger times, mainly for the obedience events. Hints will also need to be updated accordingly but I might just leave it as is for the moment until most critical bugs are fixed.

This update is the biggest in term of feature since I started to work on Glassix and in my opinion will bring something I never saw in any other H game : a real simulation with a dynamic and animated city, no more static and repetitive schedules (ok, they'll still be mostly at work like before but the rest will change). It'll also lead to a lot of new fun stuff to do with the girls, like having them all follow you naked in town and having them run back home naked after a pervert doll mode. There are also some situations not treated yet since it'll require the future "Karma" and "Suspicion" parameters to give even more immersion in the game.

Due to these delays, I'm not sure it would be a good idea to push v0.14 for the end of the month as I had originally planned. I might delay v0.14 for the end of June instead and focus on debug for this month instead. I'll wait and see how things go.

In any case, sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience !




I know this is probably not going to be in a release anytime soon, but how many releases are we from at least a basic implementation of the jobs and grades features?


Not sure yet.But it shouldn't be too may now since most of the other important features are finished.


When you just have a little kid, time is a precious thing. Between changing diapers he is working on it.. Give this guy some time, this is probably one of the best adult games i have played! I know its been delayed alot lately but can't you guys just wait for a few hours more, i mean surely this week should be finished.. how sooner how better, BUT let it be playable.. really excited for the update and hope to see more of Mitsuko!