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Hi all !

Unfortunately, I'm a bit late on the release for the new version which should have been out last week. I wanted to explain the reasons as well as give you some insights about what you can expect in it.

There are two reasons for the delay :

First, I have some family matter. Some of you might already know since I explained in a previous post some weeks ago but I'll repeat again because I think it's important for new patrons to know who's the guys you are supporting with your money. I'm french, living in China and married to a chinese girl. We got a baby boy last December and since my wife is on maternity leave, we took the opportunity to come back to France  for 3 months to show the baby in my own family. So we're having  a lot of trips here and there to meet my family which takes time plus the reduced sleep time due to the baby which makes it harder to gather the usual energy required to plan and work on the game as usual. It's only happy events so I have nothing to complain about and you don't have to worry about me dropping the project at all in case this thought crossed your mind :p

Second, the AI I'm working on is trickier than expected. I know a lot of you don't really care about that, moreover since it won't change much in term of gameplay yet, but a lot of planned features need this update first. I already detailed some of those features some of you suggested : the ability to change the girls outfits or the ability to have more than one girl follow you. Now I'll go even further because the more I work on it, the more I think about what can be achieved with this. 

With this update, girls will have semi random schedules. What it means is that they will still be around the usual places you saw them before, Aiko will still be in the hospital during the week, students will still be in class, but once the girls have time for themselves, they will move around the city depending on their interests. After class they will usual spend time home and study while on week-ends, they'll go for one of their hobbies. (The current "Date" values you see in the girls status will be renamed "Hobbies" and will show you which one they enjoy most.

Three new parameters will be visible in the girls status menu to show their hunger, bladder and dirtiness. Those 3 parameters will trigger dynamic changes in their schedule during those roaming time and girls will actively search for toilets or restaurant when their hunger or bladder values are too high.  But as you can guess, it's not as easy as finding the closest toilet. I would like for Glassix to be an enjoyable simulation H game which means I have to apply some real context in the game if I want to be thorough. This means some toilets will be public (school, restaurants, malls...) while others will be private (home usually). So if you walk with Kana near Rin's house and she wants to pee, even though Rin's toilets is closer, she must not just barge in a stranger house to do her business but instead find either a public toilet or go home if it's close. There's also the new problem where some toilets have several stalls while other are designed for one person only. A new event will be required to handle a case where two girl are using the same public toilets to allow you to choose which one to trigger whereas currently, it just trigger for the first girl in the list. I'm aware I'm pushing this a bit far compared to the usual H game but I think such AI will add a lot of fun.

When girls are fine, they will pick a random destination depending on their interest, roaming in the park for girls enjoying nature walk, going shopping for others, going to the beach or the amusement park and so on... They will have to walk from place to place which means the city should have random encounters compared to the predefined old ones. Some obedience events are impacted by this change. Instead of relying on the static schedule, the game will now dynamically check if the girl is inside the event room to trigger it, like Kana level 1 which before was triggered at 5PM. Now, she'll roam in the house after class and the player will need to wait until she goes to her room to see the usual event star appearing on the city map. No more exact time for most events, only a wider range with random decision.

Some of you might find this annoying. When handled badly or when a player has bad luck, it might mean Kana will never go to her room for the whole week. This is where the follow command might come in handy. Drop her in the event room and you'll be able to trigger it by reentering the room after. It's a bit messy in this form but should make it easier for the moment until I find a better alternative.

As for the new possible features introduce by this update, I'm sure a lot of you already thought about the ability to influence the hunger, bladder and dirtiness parameters through the use of items and food. I'm also thinking about adding  a "Lust" parameter which could trigger some girl assault on the player if high enough. Imagine girls chasing you around town and dragging you to the closest private room to do H stuff. The dating feature will also allow you to choose a meeting place with girls and you'll see them walk toward the destination on the city map.

Another important aspect of this update is a feature requested by some of you : The ability to upgrade the glasses. First of all, I'd like to change the way the doll mode is initiated/ Instead of having a choice in discussion, the player will instead need to switch to x-ray mode and click on the girl to trigger or cancel doll mode.  As the upgrades, data display could be impacted. For example, the hunger, bladder and dirtiness would not be displayed in the girls status at first and will require an upgrade from Lily first. I also might change the follow time formula. Instead of being based on the obedience level, a new upgrade could extend the follow time.  Same thing for the number of followers. Could be 1 at first then increase the amount with an upgrade. It also add a lot more of daily talk interaction where you'll be able to discover the girls hobbies which will in turn show up in the girls status page. Meaning you'll have to talk a lot to know all of their hobbies. There are a lot of possibilities there.

I'm aware I just wrote a huge wall of text which might not interest all of you but since I don't usually communicate that much about the planned feature, I thought this post would be a good opportunity to give you some heads up while waiting for the next version.

As for the release date, I think I'll need a couple more days to cover all the quirks of this new AI. It might be clunky for its first release but should be stable enough to be playable like before. Then I plan to improve it with your feedback.

For my working schedule for v0.14, I did tell you I wanted to have at least one release per month. Even though I'm one week late, I'm still planning to release v0.14 for the end of the month. I might focus on some easier stuff this time though, such as threesome commands with Rin + Ayumi or doll mode a lot of you requested :)

If you read this post so far, thanks for your time ! :p And as always, thanks for your patience and support too !



o/ Gaweb Studio take our energy you can do it \o


ohh,,, i really cant wait for the V0.13...


same here i think am getting older here but i trust in noc and gaweb