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Hi guys,

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So here is the overdue v0.13 which focus on artificial intelligence for girls. 

Obedience events now trigger a bit differently and require the girls to be present in the related room. Since the AI is not optimized yet, players can simply ask the girl to follow and enter the event room to trigger it. It's not really logical but should avoid bad luck where some players will never have girls going to the needed room. The hints and walkthrough are not up to date but should still give the right spot (only time range is now wider somtimes). I'll correct them as soon as I have more time.

What's new ?

  • Simple artificial intelligence added to girls
  • 3 new parameters have been added to girls : hunger, bladder and dirtiness
  • Girls now reacts to those parameters and run to toilets, bathroom and to eat when they are too high
  • Girls now travel between locations and have more random schedule
  • "Date" paragraph in bio has been renamed to "Hobbies"
  • Girls now have hobbies and will walk around town depending on those hobbies
  • Girls now run to their room to get dressed when they end up naked for mysterious reasons
  • Default follow time has been changed to 1 hour and is not dependant on the obedience level anymore (It will be changed once more later when glasses upgrades are added)
  • Girl now lose affection when asked repeatedly to follow
  • The "Bio" tab in the girls status page now displays more information like their position, destination, wait time and status to help players figure out what they're doing.
  • Girls can now be "Busy" when working and will refuse to interact with the player before level 1
  • Girls can now be "Embarrassed" and will refuse all interactions with the player until their status is changed
  • Added a cheat to teleport to girls by clicking on their image in the status page
  • Added a cheat to teleport to an room by double clicking on the room in the city map menu
  • Added a debug log file to help in case the new AI fails
  • Hanae obedience level 1 & 2
  • Toilets event for Hanae & Shizuku
  • Bath event for Hanae & Shizuku
  • Commands added for Hanae & Shizuku
  • Added Shizuku's apartment in Northside
  • Added Hanae's apartment in Eastside
  • Cafeteria added to hospital, replacing one of the room on the 2nd floor.

As said before, there's a lot to improve. The AI slows down the game quite a lot when all girls are unlocked and need to be processed. There are now up to 30 girls in the city and it can take up to 8 seconds for calculations to be done when lots of time is spent. I already have some ideas to reduce those calculations but I'll need more time to implement them and since some of you don't mind playing slightly buggy version, here it is. The game should still be playable though, I tested quite a lot and didn't notice anything game breaking.

I'm still super busy with family matters those days and will not be available to correct bugs until Sunday. There's also a LOT of stuff I didn't test properly due to lack of time, a lot of pathfinding not tested eithersince the city is too big so I'm already expecting a lot of bugs. Please be indulgent for this one.

When an AI related bug occurs, a debug log is created in the game folder and sending it to me could help me debug and improve the AI so don't hesitate to give me feedback.

I'd like to thank you all for your patience on this update. It was a big one and will lead to a lot of new fun stuff to do with girls so I think in the long run, it'll be more than worth the time spent on it.

Have a nice day or night !




Anyone else having problems getting Sarah's lv3 event to spawn after the latest patch?


Hi, I just wonder, how can I met the SisterC, the MaidB and the LifeguardC??? Thank you so much!!!


Dunno about the first two, but if you've met lifeguards A & B (Yae & Eimi) you should have met Lifeguard C as well. There's an event that unfolds at the Aquatic Park IIRC that introduces all of them at once.


you gotta force teleport her to your location like 10 mins before the event fires (which enables auto follow, set it off and ON again) and she will wait with you til the event fires and follow you to your house. Right now I cannot for the love of me get lvl4... this is on 0.13.1 I'm tlaking about


THere's actually a bug in the conditions for Sarah's events level 3 and 4 making it impossible to trigger them. It'll be corrected in v0.14 this week.