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Hello! Here's a quick summary of what I'm working on right now.

Thanks for being here!

The short version

  • I'm reorganizing and documenting the code for Generative.fm so I'm not the only one who can develop the software. You can track my progress on Github here. This will take a while but I'll keep sharing updates along the way.
  • Yep, I caved: I've started experimenting with selling NFTs without relying on technology that uses a questionable amount of energy. You can read about my motivation for doing so here ($), and I'm happy to answer any questions about this that aren't covered at that link or below. I'm planning to keep my Patreon focused on Generative.fm.

The long version

Facilitating outside contributions

I mentioned in the last update I’ve been thinking about how to enable other people to contribute to Generative.fm The project has always been open source in that the code is publicly available and permissively licensed, but it’s really hard to navigate and understand for anyone other then me. Sometimes that isn’t even enough.

Since the last update, I’ve started working on a few things to make the project easier for other people to get involved, mostly by reorganizing and documenting code. I’m tracking this work on Github here. It’ll take a little while but I’m excited to work on it.

This will also include changes to make it easier to integrate Generative.fm into other services, which is currently the second most-requested option on the last priority poll.


Honestly I feel bad even bringing this up because right now the vast majority of us are not interested and sick of hearing about these. So I’ll make it quick:

If you don’t know what this is or don’t care: don’t worry, I’m planning to keep my Patreon focused on Generative.fm and the other work I make for fun.

If you know what this is and have concerns about the environmental impact of NFTs: Without getting technical, there’s a variety of technologies used for NFTs, and not all of it was designed to use enormous amounts of energy. I plan to exclusively release NFTs that use technology which doesn’t require questionable energy usage to work. Specifically, I’ve been releasing NFTs on the Tezos blockchain and not Ethereum.

(Granted, there are lots of folks smarter than me who’d argue Etherum isn’t environmentally problematic; frankly, it’s easier for me to just skip the debate entirely and use something I don’t have to justify. And yes, I'm aware Ethereum is migrating to PoS, you dork)

If you know what this is and want to hear more:

I’ve published a couple projects on fxhash, you can check them out here, plus a simple little gallery I made for one of them here. I’ll probably keep releasing on fxhash every now and then, and I have at least one other project in the works. If things go well enough, I’d like to explore writing my own contract so I can store the work on-chain and experiment with other stuff too, but we’ll see. I'll be posting about these projects mostly on Twitter rather than here on Patreon.

Also, full disclosure: "I Don't Buy NFTs but I'll Gladly Sell You One".


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