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Hi folks! Just wanted to say hello and let you know I've added a new piece called "Skyline" to Generative.fm. You can check it out here.

tl;dr: Sorry for the long break, thanks for sticking around, be sure to go vote on stuff you want me to work on next.


I'm really sorry it took me so long to make progress on the site. After releasing the revamped version back in February, I ended up feeling pretty burnt out and I was really unsure what to do next. I had quit my job and was trying out freelance projects which I thought would be great but I actually didn't enjoy very much. At the same time, NFTs were blowing up and I felt a ton of pressure to get involved even though I really didn't want to (I still don't). It all led to me feeling pretty crappy and frankly the last thing I wanted to do was work on Generative.fm. Fortunately, one of my freelance projects led to a full time position I'm very happy in, and now I'm feeling ready to work on Generative.fm again.

This long break in productivity got me thinking about how I'm bottle-necking the site's progress and how I might fix that. Generative.fm is technically open-source, but I've mostly discouraged outside contributions, and the project structure and code is so poorly documented that even if someone wanted to contribute it would probably be too frustrating.

So, I've been thinking about ways I can facilitate contributions from others, including helping other creators add new music generators. I don't have any solid plans at the moment but wanted to let you know this is what's on my mind right now anyway.

In the meantime, I'm planning to resume working on the top items from the last priority poll, so please go vote on the stuff you'd like to see next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51926047

Thank you so much for sticking around. I really appreciate it and will try to make it worthwhile for you.



Dude take care of yourself. Generative.fm is working great and has lots of generators. It is okay to have taken a break, nothing is falling apart. Don't feel pressure to add new stuff. I am a developer too, I also have projects on the side, and I have come to realize that real productive work (inspired work) comes in phases. I too come to times when I feel no motivation at all, but naturally at some point it comes back, I have a fresh mind and view on the stuff and I push it farther and better that I would've imagined when I left off. Work on Generative.fm when you feel well and inspired, it will be better for it and for you. Love the new piece and artwork, I think it is my new favorite.