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Hi folks, it's been a bit since I shared anything or released any updates and I felt like I owed you an update at the very least.

I made a poll a few months ago to see what everyone wanted me to work on, and the response was a clear and overwhelming preference for adding new music to the site. I have been working on that, but I haven't come up with anything I felt was ready for release. In the few years I've been working on Generative.fm, I've alternated between phases where I'm only interested in either the music or the platform. Lately I'm feeling more interested in the platform and I'm struggling to create new music. I'm going to continue working on it, but I won't release anything I'm not satisfied with. That's why there hasn't been any new music for a bit.

I've also been doing some contract work related to generative music. I actually quit my full-time job almost a year ago so I could have time for those sorts of opportunities and also release Generative.fm Play. It's been a great experience, but now I'm getting ready to find another full-time job. Of course, all this has shifted my focus from Generative.fm, but I'm eager to get back into it once I'm settled in at a new job.

Thanks for your time, and as always, thanks so much for your support.


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