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Hey folks, it’s been a long time since I updated here and I wanted to check in with you all.

I’ll get straight to the point: I probably won’t be working much on Generative.fm for the foreseeable future. I intend to keep the site running as-is, but I can’t guarantee whether I’ll add any new features or music going forward.

I wanted to let you know since it might affect your decision to continue supporting me through Patreon. If you use and enjoy Generative.fm (or another one of my projects) enough that you’d pay a monthly subscription fee to use it, maybe you can think of your Patreon pledge as a way of doing that. Otherwise, please remember that you’re always welcome to lower or end your monthly pledge at any time. As far as I'm concerned, you've already given more than enough!

As always, thanks for the support!



Thank you Alex, your software is amazing and your blog posts are very thoughtful. I wish you all the best!


I still like it! Thanks for getting it to where it is.