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Hello again folks. I wanted to quickly acknowledge that the income provided from Patreon now exceeds the most expensive month of Generative.fm hosting costs ever. 🎉

If you didn't know, every month I share the cost of hosting Generative.fm for that month here on Patreon under Goals. When traffic to Generative.fm started to increase (or should I say exist), my hope was that I could keep the site free to use, share the costs of hosting it, and provide a way for people to pay for it. Compared to a traditional pricing model where I would charge upfront for access to some or all of the site's features, this arrangement means more people get to enjoy the site.

Not only has your support consistently exceeded the typical hosting costs of the site, but the monthly income from Patreon currently sits above the most expensive month in the site's history.

Thank you so much for your support, and for helping me keep Generative.fm accessible to everyone.




Love the service keep it up!