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Hey folks, I'm so excited to finally share the new recording app with you.

I haven't done a ton of testing, so super big warning that stuff might not work. Let me know if you find any problems.

I realize most of you don't use the recording feature much, but you can still get a feel for the style these new apps will have.

I'll announce this more publicly in a week or so. I'll clean up any bugs, and then it's on to the new listening app and some new music.

Thank you so much for sticking around!


Free ambient music, made to order by Generative.fm

Download free tracks of any length from a variety of ambient generative music systems. Composed by a human, performed by computers.



I'm so jazzed for this! Alex, please accept my heartfelt thanks for making your music available to other creators. Now to test this baby out!


Oh, couple things I wanted to mention. The recording time is now 1-1 with the length of the recording. For some pieces this is faster, and for others it's slower—but I think the consistency is an improvement. Another thing is that recordings come in the .ogg format, which is unfortunately not a lossless format like WAV. However, both this new version and the old site both used .ogg samples to create the music, so there shouldn't really be any discernible drop in quality, and the file sizes won't be so enormous. In the future, I'd like to do a desktop release that uses lossless sample files and saves in a lossless format.


You're very welcome, I'm glad there are other creators out there who want to use it!