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If you'd like to try setting up a streaming server, check out  https://github.com/generative-music/stream.generative.fm

It's pretty rough right now -- you've been warned -- but it should be functional.

The links use the same format as on generative.fm (e.g. /music/alex-bainter-homage).

Right now only mp3 is supported but I will add Ogg soon (sorry Mike!). I wanted to get this into your hands now rather than delaying it any longer.

If you try setting it up, let me know how it goes. The long term plan is to Dockerize this to make it super easy to set up.



Thanks, Alex! I'm running it right now and it seems to be working well. No worries about the format, lol. Do you have any tips for speeding up the generation of the piece? When I play a piece like Spring Again it will often reach the end of what was generated before if can make more. I have an i5-7200 quad core so I feel like it should be able to keep up. It works fine though if I pause it momentarily to let it build up a buffer.


Hmm, I never had this problem but I never tried it with Spring Again... I will test it out and get back to you soon. Maybe I can just delay it by a few seconds.